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  1. @(Balance) Druids, glyphed or unglyphed Insect Swarm?

    They did, thank you for the reply, gives me a lot to think about :) I guess the mana issue would be kinda problematic. I was contemplating running around with a heavy spirit set and speccing Dreamstate instead of Moonfury before, but my chardev didn't look to good. I think I was around 2,100 hp...
  2. @(Balance) Druids, glyphed or unglyphed Insect Swarm?

    Has anyone tried a 22/0/8 build to grab Subtlety? Sacrificing a good? amount of damage for more rng, but you're getting dispel protection for both your hots and dots, as well as pushback protection for multiple spells from Natures Focus, and a small improvement in overall stats from Imp Mark. I...
  3. @(Balance) Druids, glyphed or unglyphed Insect Swarm?

    Thanks for the responses guys. Yeah, I figured I'd give it a try, just run around for a few games with it glyphed, then switch the glyph out with something else and see how much of a difference it makes. I always preferred a defensive setup over damage, but I do know how much of a pain rng can...
  4. @(Balance) Druids, glyphed or unglyphed Insect Swarm?

    I see most Balance Druids going for glyphed IS, which I'm assuming is a decent boost to dps? I also hear people talk about how Druids in general are one of the squishiest classes in the 39 bracket, and with the overpopulation of Hunters and Rogues I was wondering if leaving IS unglyphed, to make...
  5. Warrior twink without BoAs, is it worth it?

    Thanks for the reply. I checked out PGs guide which will really help out. There are some things I still have questions about. There didn't seem to be any mention of Bonebiter there. Does the slower speed of Lumbering Ogre Axe beat out the extra stats you'd get from Bonebiter? While on the topic...
  6. Warrior twink without BoAs, is it worth it?

    Hi, I was looking to roll an alliance warrior, but I lack access to BoAs. So far this is the template I worked up (note: I left AGM out as I figure I'll currently have a slim to nil chance of obtaining one, so I'll probably use the AB trinket til then which I forgot to put in the profile)...