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  1. starsurge

    85-89 Drafted RBG's

    Today's RBG is cancelled, not enough sign ups, trying again in a few days. Monday's RBG is cancelled too. --Laserchicken (Officer of GMTA)
  2. starsurge

    85-89 Drafted RBG's

    It is not as dependent on gear as you are making it sound. I am a full Ruthless boomkin who has been dominating the bracket. I can plow over most of the people who use sun-lutes in this bracket. It will even be more balanced in 5.2 when they change the stat scaling.
  3. starsurge

    85-89 Drafted RBG's

    We are running out of time guys! We need as much players we can get ASAP!!! I encourage you to post the link on your BattleTag, ask trade, and whoever else. Never know who would like to join us. --Laserchicken
  4. starsurge

    85-89 Drafted RBG's

    We are currently in need for much more Horde signups in order to make this work. I encourage if the current Alliance signups have any Horde alts they would potentially like to play on to use them over the current char you have signed up on because we have more then enough Alliance signatures...
  5. starsurge

    85-89 Drafted RBG's

    Hello :) First off, Natsu is our resident FC. I assume you are looking at his frost gear. Secondly, as Sushi implied, XXMD is pretty dead and it has been for awhile. I believe the only other active 85's guild is Nerd Cleave on Sargeras. -Laserchicken
  6. starsurge

    85-89 Drafted RBG's

    Bump for more horde signups
  7. starsurge

    85-89 Drafted RBG's
