Search results

  1. Mists of Pandaria 15-19 Talents

    on top of that the minimum ranged distance required to shot and a hunters melee weapon is removed, not that we needed a melee weapon. But oh well.
  2. Hunter in The Panda mist or w/e

    Watching the virtual ticket stream, ill post more if i find any of it interesting and related to the 19 bracket
  3. Hunter in The Panda mist or w/e

    Updates to the hunter weapon situation : min. Ranged weapon distance - Removed Melee weapon - Removed besides that the ranged slot for all other classes has been removed, this means warriors and rogues will throw their main hand weapon and wands are now mainhands. - Scio
  4. I love getting laughed at!! sooo....

    haha, made me giggle.
  5. WTS Decent WoW Account.

    Post your two 19's please
  6. LF rare green BoEs

    Bristelbark gloves Fine leather pants ( crafted)
  7. EU WTS shadowfang KAZZAK realm

    How many do you have?
  8. How to Play Your Hunter at 19 Effectively!

    This should be under the 19 guides for sure, best guide on the forum imo.
  9. WTB Guardian of the Cenarius

    Which server is this?
  10. Pack your things! The PTR is up!

    Yep, im still pending aswell. Been about 8 days for me now -.-