Search results

  1. WTS Ribsplitter of the tiger [EU]

    Selling Ribsplitter of the tiger on Draenor [EU], not sure on the price now, so post or /w ur offers plz
  2. WTS 2x Shadowfang [EU]

    Got 2 shadowfangs on Vashj [EU] not willing to transfer. post ur offers or pm me
  3. WTS Shadowfang [EU]

    Probably not atm because im waiting for T2 weapon on main before transfering him anywhere, also got an offer of 5k so far
  4. WTS Shadowfang [EU]

    Selling Shadowfang on Vashj [EU], post ur offers or msg me.
  5. Selling Shadowfang [EU]

    well ive got somebody offering 8k
  6. Selling Shadowfang [EU]

    no thanks mate got a much higher offer atm
  7. Selling Shadowfang [EU]

    im on the horde side
  8. Selling Shadowfang [EU]

    Selling SF on Vashj [EU] msg me offers or post on here plz.
  9. WTS [Assassin's Blade] - [EU]

    Selling [Assassin's Blade] on Sporeggar, willing to accept 2.5k, not willing to transfer. Also selling SF on Vashj /w me offers or post on here plz Post here or msg me
  10. Selling [Assassin's Blade] - [EU]

    Selling [Assassin's Blade] on Sporeggar [EU], not willing to transfer. Post ur offers or msg me on here.
  11. Selling Shadowfang and POD [EU]

    Still selling POD on Moonglade....i thought this item was rare >.<
  12. Selling Shadowfang and POD [EU]

    POD still up for sale.
  13. Selling Shadowfang and POD [EU]

    i sold SF for 4.5k
  14. Selling Shadowfang and POD [EU]

    Shadowfang has been sold, but i havent heard from POD buyer, so still open to offers, post on here or msg me
  15. Selling Shadowfang and POD [EU]

    Add my msn mate, ive send it to u via PM
  16. Selling Shadowfang and POD [EU]

    Already got an offer for 10k and a higher bidder at 11k so would have to top them mate
  17. Selling Shadowfang and POD [EU]

    Selling Shadowfang on Sporregar [H] Selling Pendulum of Doom on Moonglade [A] reply on here or msg me with ur offers plz