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  1. DubbsBegins

    Mods please do not lock this thread too early. This is important.

    if you didnt read, you shouldnt have bias because you didnt read...
  2. DubbsBegins


    .... stop disrespecting... i dont know if some of you are joking or what but KainUFC, by your logic, if you dont want to complain about hunters being OP, roll a hunter basically what you are doing is crying about someone stronger when you chose to be a weaker class. If you chose a weak...
  3. DubbsBegins

    Mods please do not lock this thread too early. This is important.

    i might be. But am i weird or is the part of the community weird? well anyway, i wasnt trying to drag this like this. Now i look like a retard with no friends trying to cry about everyone lol (excuse my language) I honestly dont care about myself in TI I just thought the community might be...
  4. DubbsBegins

    Salfir - Warlock PvP Movie

    nice vid
  5. DubbsBegins

    Mods please do not lock this thread too early. This is important.

    Holy shit activate. Your last paragraph explained what i wanted to say for a long time but didnt find a way to phrase it correctly. Basically, if people who have been here for a long time trolls, nothing is wrong because they are "joking". But if a newcomer does the same thing, he suddenly...
  6. DubbsBegins

    lol i think the beginning of this video explains this bracket.

    indeed same with my reaction.
  7. DubbsBegins

    lol i think the beginning of this video explains this bracket.

    Back to the Vanilla (L60 Rogue PvP) - YouTube
  8. DubbsBegins

    Most beautiful places for F2P

    damn i want to experience these too... sadly, even though my computer is little more capable, i have to put most settings on low to keep my recordings smooth
  9. DubbsBegins

    Mods please do not lock this thread too early. This is important.

    explain harmless comment for me veinte. Like what?
  10. DubbsBegins

    Mods please do not lock this thread too early. This is important.

    to be honest, i couldnt understand all of it because Activate's English is too advanced for my foreign English :(
  11. DubbsBegins

    Mods please do not lock this thread too early. This is important.

    hopefully everything gets better veinte. and dont watch my vids oh? You will have to admit this one. About 5months ago or so. No one said skilled hunters can be beaten. You do remember right? No one. But suddenly i dont know why but people started to think that hunters can be beaten...
  12. DubbsBegins

    Most beautiful places for F2P

    rutheran village
  13. DubbsBegins

    Mods please do not lock this thread too early. This is important.

    I told you not to think about me saying this to you. I was talking about F2P community in general and not only AP but I am not new to AP anymore. I, individually have no problem with AP because i dont plan to make friends anyway. I just enjoy my game while producing videos to make me and my...
  14. DubbsBegins

    Mods please do not lock this thread too early. This is important.

    maybe i probably am stubborn i admit. But i am not sensitive at all i tell you lol. If i was sensitive, why would i still be making videos with all these hate? because i dont care about haters and i am not sensitive about hating comments. I just try to make trolls realize that they are...
  15. DubbsBegins

    Resubbed. LF Faction Change funding.

    cool, wasnt trying to call you cheap or anything.. :) was just wondering if that works
  16. DubbsBegins

    Resubbed. LF Faction Change funding.

    wait is it possible to get an eye patch as an ally and faction change to horde and keep the eye patch?
  17. DubbsBegins

    Guess whos back

    are you actually back or?
  18. DubbsBegins


    fraps :D go 7 vista sucks xD XP is fine actually
  19. DubbsBegins

    Mods please do not lock this thread too early. This is important.

    alright ill work on that. English isnt my first language.