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  1. Holypowah

    Top 3 Best Posters

    Can't tell if serious. But really....I'm not THAT bad as La'haryl AKA the devil.
  2. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

  3. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    I said the "wars are op" before I played after SS damage buff. Then I logged into the game and seen it was different.
  4. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    I just don't get it. You have 2K HP in a BG. A warrior stuns you with Warbringer that lasts 3 seconds and deals 1.2k damage with Shield Slam that has a 6 second CD. The warrior shouldn't be able to use another Shield slam before the stun finishes; it gives you 3 seconds to heal back to full and...
  5. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    I'm so good at arguing that I can make people speechless on topics I know nothing about /trollface Yeah I'm done arguing with you.
  6. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    If anything they should be happy I changed my mind and I don't think you can be oneshot by a warrior without gems.
  7. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    This has been discussed before. I was on the bandwagon that wars are OP...then I played the game again. STFU I learned something OK? You're a fucking genius! I get it! No need to be a dick Mr Einstein.
  8. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    You have around 2k health in a BG, SS hits crits around 750-900 on a Shaman, SS has a 6 sec CD and Warbringer is a 3 sec stun. You should have 3 seconds to free heal. How are you dying again?
  9. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    You're exaggerating. Even if said warrior charges your shaman, you can just immediately heal (1.2k aren't enough to kill you) and kite the warrior till he dies. Remember they have don't have heals, a proper interrupt or good mobility so giving them more damage makes them balanced IMO.
  10. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    Warriors can't kill good priests, mages and they can beat warlocks easily so cloth has nothing to complain about. Hell it makes sense for warriors to kill warlocks because a warrior's rage sometimes overcomes the warlock's magic.
  11. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    Learn to Play. SS doesn't do that much damage and every class can kite warriors fairly easy. Use your brain.
  12. Holypowah

    Scrolls on sale

    Rathis Tomber - NPC - World of Warcraft sells scrolls after you complete his quest. I don't know if it's mentioned before. Alliance is
  13. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    You know what? After playing a few BGs I can agree that Prot warriors aren't OP. They die easily and I can overcome the damage.
  14. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    SS easily oneshots with zerker.
  15. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    I'm just too lazy to argue anymore. /yawn
  16. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    Actually LOH isn't a full heal ATM.
  17. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    You're denying that you can crit up to 1.5k? This argument aren't goin anywhere.
  18. Holypowah

    Super Prot damage

    I changed my views.
  19. Holypowah

    Crazy but tested way to convert gold from p2p to f2p chars

    Best way to make gold apart from DMF is to go into a dungeon and ninja everything.