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  1. Mattens

    19 Warsong Etiquette

    I mean yeah, there are no rules saying you can't do something, but, just know that popping speed pots will make your other team either quit, or not wanna play, so if you want to win, you might not be able to play the game at all. (Yes, I know I'm dramatizing this, but it's close to the truth)
  2. Mattens

    19 Warsong Etiquette

    I would only use one if I wanted to quick cap in a turtle game, just so it can be over faster. But I still not even like doing that.
  3. Mattens

    The best level 19 Moonkin Twink.

    The best level 19 Moonkin Twink.
  4. Mattens

    10-19 Level 19 Moonkin Twink Guide (Wotlk)

    Sup Guys! This is my first XPOff guide, but don't worry! I spent a lot of time on my boomie and know a lot of things most other guide makers don't! Now let's jump right in! Part 1: The Basics Part 2: Choosing a Race Part 3: Talents / Glyphs Part 4: Spells Part 5: Gear / Enchants Part 6...
  5. Mattens

    I can't find any Tree Bark Jackets on the AH on my server.

    Thanks for the help! I play alliance so it will be hard to get into there, but I managed to grab one off the AH today! 960g I think that was a steal. But I could of been completely off.
  6. Mattens

    19 Warsong Etiquette

    yes even as a druid main people who do that gross me out.
  7. Mattens

    I can't find any Tree Bark Jackets on the AH on my server.

    Could any of you guys please help? I want to buy a Tree Bark Jacket for my level 19 twink boomkin druid on Pagle, but there are not any on the AH, do you guys know if they get posted often? or are they hard to find? I really want one but if I need to wait like 10-15 days for one to be put up...