Search results

  1. EU+US Advice for solo'ing as shaman

    Hmk I'll try to find 1 item and get avoidance cap, for the fights that it matters on. I suppose I'll have to find a Leech item for every slot ;) Thanks for the tips ;)
  2. EU+US Advice for solo'ing as shaman

    y'ello, So I've tried to solo several raid bosses with my enh shaman. I'm currently rocking 851 ilvl equipped. With 19% leech. 0 avoidance and 0 speed items. So Shaman isn't the most epic class to solo raid bosses like hunters & DK's but I've been wondering if it would help me a lot if I were...
  3. EU+US 100-109 Soloing & PvE thread

    101 enh shaman killed Gruul normal in BRF. Might be one of the easier bosses but was still a bit harsh on heroic so did it on normal :<
  4. EU Most activity? - What server to twink?

    Well if any people want to do some runs or something add me: Tuska#2956 I still only have 750 artifacts weapons, hence I'm using 810 maces. I haven't done quests yet. I literally only bought the gear so far hahah
  5. EU Most activity? - What server to twink?

    Hello, I just sort of finished (just buying the gear) for my 101 enh shaman:íxìs/simple I'm wondering if there are any 'mini guilds' on EU? Preferably horde, idm Alliance... on some server? Which do premades & world pvp & raids, perhaps Mythic...
  6. EU+US What to roll @ 59?

    Thanks all for the replies. I went for priest, probably shadow but when we premade I can surely be the healer npz :D Thanks for the sample. I'll be horde for sure, nothx gnomes :D Very nice!
  7. EU+US What to roll @ 59?

    Hello, I'm looking to make a 59 twink on the Horde side. I'm not sure on which realm I should start, any guilds out there with some 59's? (on EU) Also I'm unsure what class to make, any suggestions? I'm not so sure what is most viable but I would prefer something like: Frost mage, Spriest &...
  8. EU My old 19 rogue

    well it didn't used to scale :D I think it was 4 AP + 2/3 crit now I'm not sure. Loads of other stuff in my bags :D Any specific realm for 19's these days? Kind regards
  9. EU My old 19 rogue

    Heya! So I finally activated my account again and I found my old 19 rogue from TBC/WOTLK. I used to play it pure Attack Power for laughs, I had hit cap with head enchant also. I thought you might want to see it so here it is: Armory link...
  10. EU+US Item level over stats?

    ok I understand it now, thanks. Guess I'll go farm white items :D
  11. EU+US Item level over stats?

    I've been thinking of starting 29's again (just got back to WoW) but I saw many twinks having a necklace like: Problem Solving Pendant or 'The Rock' as rings, soo why is this so more important then a ring or neck with stats? What changed what did I miss / How does it work? Kind regards
  12. Bloodthirsty achi for ur 19!

    mhm me 2 still lacking like few more players ;D
  13. 5.2 changes and premades

    >;D I will be premading with myself at 5.2 or maybe even sooner. Dreanor People know what I'm talking about ;D ( EU)
  14. Bloodthirsty achi for ur 19!

    bump :D Still fewspots left and prolly gonna roll on Saturday in the early evenings ^^
  15. Bloodthirsty achi for ur 19!

    No? not everyday ? just the weekends and some hours during the week ofc . And nobody is forcing you to join....
  16. Bloodthirsty achi for ur 19!

    Nobody who's joining is here for honor ;D
  17. Bloodthirsty achi for ur 19!

    pewpewpewpew :D Still looking for some people ^_^
  18. Bloodthirsty achi for ur 19!

    Hm do note that below lvl 10 you get the " Honorless Target" debuff. Which lasts for 50seconds , When you kill a person with that debuff you do not get an honorable kill. To make it profitable using trials , we would need to use about atleast 25 trial accs to speed it up. + We would have...
  19. Bloodthirsty achi for ur 19!

    ! It does not . 15 people spawn . *** Timer for new spawn runs at the same time *** you kill them in 15 sec ? you have 15sec left until the new spawn. you kill them in 5sec ? you have 25sec left until the new spawn and so on and on and on 15 Kills / 30sec
  20. Bloodthirsty achi for ur 19!

    Dramatized i've seen it ;D I'll tell ya when we are ready ;D