Search results

  1. Best of F2P EU

    Sup noobs, heres my list! Druid: Mesi / Pole Hunter:Flipz Mage: Nevmind/Trickynick Monk: - Paladin: Sams Priest: Likarist / Miacon Rogue: Mysterios Shaman: Billymays Warlock: Denurd Warrior: Alpha / Somort
  2. Korgath Arena Tournament Rule discussion and drama archive

    Re: Arena Tournament What happend with the last tournament you guys did with Tabard of Fire as price ?
  3. [F2P] Shaman , Hunter ( Follow me )

  4. Eternal WoW [ Shadowmourne Warrior ]

  5. Eternal WoW [ Shadowmourne Warrior ]

    Hey i have been playing f2p for a while now and i just remember that i have a warrior on eternal wow ( horde ) who i donated shadowmourne for .. So if anyone is intrested pm me a message PS : I dont want money , i want another account in return [f2p]
  6. Scroll Clicking

  7. Formility's streaming channel

  8. End of the f2ps?

    Never give up ! Never back down !!!
  9. rate! ( bis hunter ) ?

    why do i need feet of the lynx , my current boots has the same stats almost
  10. Mage rage!!!!

    i looove the way you lie... i love the way you lie.....
  11. rate! ( bis hunter ) ?

    Människa @ Kilrogg - Community - World of Warcraft I know i need. Armor enchants. Bands of serra kis ROP
  12. BiS Shaman - Alliance

    lfh and stock shield , the shield gives over 100 more armor than the BOA one
  13. Mage rage!!!!

    horde team 5 paladins 5 druids .. x.x
  14. Am i lucky or what?

    If im going to be honest .. i actually somehow bugged the chest so MM dropped again from the same chest .. i didnt loot the secound one on purpose
  15. Am i lucky or what?

    I got them bouth by doing chest looting .. if anyone wonders. ( zone : hillsbrad foothills )
  16. Am i lucky or what?

    Yeah i was really lucky .. now i finally dont need to cast flash heal to survive! :D
  17. Am i lucky or what?

    Happy you liked it .. i was beyond happy when i got them xD
  18. Am i lucky or what?

    l o l
  19. Who has the most valuable F2P?

    Turbotomte @ Aggramar - Community - World of Warcraft has alot of gf'ed items he also has TCG mount and tabard ( Spectral tiger ) ( Tabard of flame ) NOT MY CHARACTER
  20. Be Honest.

    Im arguing cause im a part of TI to.. and im tierd of threads that doesnt make aaaany sence