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  1. skrimish at low level ???

    Just noticed , my bad .. we didnt have the same questions tho
  2. skrimish at low level ???

    Yeah so i was reading the WoD updates and i came across the skrimish at low levels thingy .. will this feature be available for f2p players or is this out of the question ? anyone with beta who can confirm some of this info ? thanks!
  3. Create your DK now

    is this us ?
  4. Formility's streaming channel

    bump , live
  5. Exploit !

    Video removed , be happy if u have seen it
  6. Exploit !

    Idk if sarcasm or not ? , but ty anyway:p
  7. Exploit ! found this myself !
  8. Formility's streaming channel

  9. Warlords of Draenor Changes for F2P

    Skirmishes will be available at lower levels!! YEEEEESSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!
  10. Formility's streaming channel

    its on
  11. Formility's streaming channel

    Its on !
  12. World first f2p level 20 neutral ?

    Just saw this guy reach level 90 with his pandaren.. Grats too him.. Who will be the first f2p to reach our max level neutral then ? :)
  13. Formility's streaming channel

    stream on
  14. Trading awsome f2p acc for a knife in cs:go

    Just to inform you , the knife im aiming to get is costing around 150-200 euro