Search results

  1. Would anyone be interested?

    Admin remove if its disturbing! Are you tired of WoD twinking and P2P Premades in WSG ? Stupid bursts ? Here is my question.... Would anyone be interested in joining a private server me and my friend is working on with 4 other dev's? The server is going to be pure f2p like it was back in the...
  2. (OFFTOPIC) 3v3 tournament on V-Quality Private server tonight!

    3v3 Tournament tonight V-Quality - Custom 19 Teamrules : 1 ranged 1 meele 1 healer 3.3.5a server , download link here : No custom gear! Realmlist : set realmlist Summons will begin at 18:00 GMT+1 Great price for the winner...
  3. Formility's streaming channel

  4. Formility's streaming channel

  5. Formility's streaming channel

    2s with oramais !
  6. Heirloom necks with 'use' Effect on PTR

    Its for 60-100 , nothing for us , neeeeeext!
  7. Formility's streaming channel

  8. Questions & Answers

    Is there a pick up/return macro for flags in wsg ?
  9. Anyone got a f2p account they abandoned ?

    Mine is for sale!
  10. loom tab or nah ?

    did they add it or not ? , cba to play trial otherwise
  11. WTS a Really good f2p account ! [ EU ]

  12. WTS Medicine Pouch , Tabard of the explorer

    I can also do precious' ribbon if it is still obtainable ! ( 10$ or CS:GO skins )
  13. WTS Medicine Pouch , Tabard of the explorer

    Im on ally side.. pm me if u want me to farm this for youre character! Tabard of the explorer 10$ or CS:GO Skins Medicine pouch 5$ or CS:GO Skins
  14. Formility's streaming channel

  15. Quitting WoW!

    A very sad thing to hear.. you were truly an icon to the f2p community , Take care mate and cu soon! ps : read my pm
  16. Target to low level ? [ Medicine Pouch ]

    it says with a red text ''target to low level'' its annoying :p .. wierd that im the only one :/
  17. Target to low level ? [ Medicine Pouch ]

    Hey i just got my pouch but when im trying to use it it says ''target to low level''.. Have anyone else noticed this problem or am i the only one? What to do ? :o
  18. Lf premade challengers

    Add my skype if u need me! BiS hunter alliance kilrogg BiS Resto druid kilrogg' BiS Resto shaman Kilrogg