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  1. Bara

    SMF Fury Warrior: Progress Thread

    It's the name of an npc in orgrimmar. I'm not that cool
  2. Bara

    F2P & Vet Armory List [SHADOWLANDS]

    Rerolls. Rare on the second attempt, epic on the fourth.
  3. Bara

    F2P & Vet Armory List [SHADOWLANDS]

    Single-Minded Fury Warrior
  4. Bara

    F2P & Vet Armory List [SHADOWLANDS]

    Arms Warrior - Protection Warrior -
  5. Bara

    Transmog Flex Thread

    I always been a horde player but recently I started playing ally because I fell in love with the Dark Iron Dwarves. Sorry if the images is in italian, it's the full Heritage Armor + Taeshalach Not obtainable for F2P
  6. Bara

    Armory Poll

    I totally agree with what you just wrote, when I said we need more guides, what I had in mind was a quick start guide with stats priority for the different and most common specs of each class, maybe a short introduction with the strengths and weaknesses, the role it has in a battlefield and the...
  7. Bara

    Armory Poll

    I think it's better to have dedicated guides for each class (such as the excellent ones already present in the 20s index) made by players who have thoroughly tested every single aspect of their character, rather than links to generic twinks born from the farming of ilvl 28 boe greens for your...
  8. Bara

    The Infarmory Fury warrior is great for farming imho, The initial idea was to stack speed as much as possible in symbiosis with war machine and hunger of the pack, but very soon I realized that all I needed was one or more hunters...
  9. Bara

    World Drop Farming Compendium (ilvl 28 BoEs)

    even the mobs during the legion assault can drop it
  10. Bara

    World Drop Farming Compendium (ilvl 28 BoEs)

    Hi everyone, in the last two days I have followed the method described here I have obtained about 20 Flawless Draenethyst Sphere and sent them to a level 17 character. I found the Precisely Calibrated Boomstick. As a further confirmation of the theory that the only epics that can be obtained...
  11. Bara

    F2P & Vet Armory List [SHADOWLANDS]

    My brand new retri paladinà/thalrissa and enha shaman
  12. Bara

    F2P & Vet Armory List [SHADOWLANDS]

    Arms Warrior -