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  1. EU+US New DH

    You allready seem to have decided but I feel like adding my experience since I've played quite a bit of lvl 102 dh ( If you can afford realy good gear and only want to play havoc then I would recommend staying at 101 because the...
  2. US Competition Getting Rough for 810 Relics

    I'm not done on this forum I'm done about this topic since you are just looking for a fight. Realm transfer one way is 250k so unless u don't care about what realm ur twink is on ur still going to end up paying 500k+.
  3. US Competition Getting Rough for 810 Relics

    I have allready sold mine so no lol (650k @ silvermoon). I just feel like it's a shitty thing to undermine their value just because u feel like they are not worth anything when people come here for actual answers. Supply & Demand = price. I won't reply anymore because my point has allready been...
  4. US Competition Getting Rough for 810 Relics

    I mean their worth is obviously based on what realm you're playing but on high pop eu servers they are worth 500k + posting them for lower is just a stupid thing to do. You are not helping the community in a reasonable way by selling them cheaper if anything you are just losing your gold to a...
  5. US Competition Getting Rough for 810 Relics

    They are easily worth 500k+ atm imho I don't know what server you're playing on but It would take me way longer to find a relic than crafting and selling two legendaries. I sold one for 650k yesterday and I only went that low because I need more gold atm.
  6. EU ilvl 810 relics for 101?

    I have a life relic on silvermoon eu that I want to trade for a shadow relic
  7. EU ilvl 810 relics for 101?

    It's not a fair price? There's no one selling it on silvermoon you can not get a relic on silvermoon no matter how much you spam in chat, the fel one is the first one i've seen on our server and it came up right after mine today. Server transfering costs 500k on eu, there might be more people...
  8. EU ilvl 810 relics for 101?

    Briaru is my twink and I don't think it's a unfair price considering our realm prices / the cost of getting one. It's my only way of getting an arcane relic for my own twink atleast. If anyone wants to trade an arcane relic for a life on on eu Silvermoon I'm up for it.
  9. EU ilvl 810 relics for 101?

    Is the lvl 101 relics only for certain classes or do they exist for all specs?