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  1. How fun is a Shaman?

    A warrior absolutely bores me. Got one to lvl 7 and said FCK it. Can't play clothies because I always hated bein squishy. I have an 80 druid, which is pretty fun, but I don't know if I'd want to FC, which is what everyone would expect. That leaves shaman/rogue/paladin. My main has been a rogue...
  2. How fun is a Shaman?

    So I've only ever had 1 real twink before, my hunter. He and I have been around for quite a while, and he's a ton of fun to play, and I thought about leveling him to 29. One of my favorite moves looks like it's going away though; Disengage. According to the Cata wowhead site, it now requires lvl...
  3. Why 29 will be the Cataclym bracket

    Well, I know the battlegroups won't matter, but will there be enough xp-off twinks at 29 across ALL battlegroups in order to get decent games? I'm more certain that there will be a lot of twinks at 19 much more often than at 29.
  4. Why 29 will be the Cataclym bracket

    I've been thinking about moving up to the 29 bracket on my 19 huntard. No way in hell would I want to roll another twink. I put too much time in to this one :P The other really awesome reason for 29s is that you get to do AB. WSG is ok, but I enjoy AB more. The only thing I'm worried about is...
  5. WTS - BC Capped 70 Rogue w/ MH Warglaive! BiS Sunwell/T6!

    In that case, I have a "guide" that will tell you how to get both warglaives, a Thunderfury, a Spectral Tiger, 2 gladiator mounts, and a 19 OMGWTF huntard, all on one account; hahaha :P
  6. Finally Got It!!!

    BAD troll. Go away.
  7. Finally Got It!!!

    You -can- do chens if you want to, but don't. You'll want to die. I got Ambassador a while ago and it was so worth it. It really was fun. you get a lot of good achieves done (I got the 500 quest one with it) as well as the 5 exalted reps and the super leet title! I started ally, switched to...
  8. Worth twinking now or even in Cata?

    I believe you're right and I'm sorry if I did miss your point. I definitely jumped to conclusions and just read the part about "Is it worth twinking, etc etc" and that questions kind of drives me nuts. I apologize.
  9. Worth twinking now or even in Cata?

    I really don't want to be rude, but I am getting very sick of seeing threads like this. Is it worth twinking? Who the hell knows. It is -worth- playing WoW at all? Only the person playing can be the judge of that. With every new patch/xpac/item, there will be a ton of outcry from any of the...
  10. horde hunters

    Some of us made hunter twinks before they were out of hand :/ Please don't hate on -all- of us!
  11. Twinkinfo Quiz #1

    Sorry, can't help it. It burns.
  12. Lego Universe

    I've heard a bit about Minecraft. Is it any good? Is it worth playing?
  13. Twinkinfo Quiz #1

    A LOT It's two words, kids. TWO WORDS!
  14. Dwarfs?

    Nothing finer than a dwarf. I used to be an advocate only for gnomes (which I still love), but dorfs have taken my heart. My 19 and 60 twinks are both dorfs, my main is a dorf rogue now (race changed it from gnome), and my dk is a dorf. If my druid could be a dorf, I'd race change the hell out...
  15. Lego Universe

    Man, have you guys checked out Lego Universe? Looks pretty fckin sweet!! I'm way excited, totally preordering for launch next month.
  16. PTR - Warriors

    I am sorry to hear about your class, but I'm very glad to hear you're a dorf :D
  17. Lvl 60 Arms war/ Rogue PvP

    Yeah, CTS is a great MH too. Fcking leet graphic as well. Stupid dog never drops it though *sigh*
  18. Rate my 10 rogue

    Because Dorfs are the best race, duh.
  19. Lvl 60 Arms war/ Rogue PvP

    I farmed right binding on my rogue for like, 4 effing years >.< It sucked. yeah, that'll be a good OH, but I'd still say go with the HWL blade for the MH :)
  20. Lvl 60 Arms war/ Rogue PvP

    You need a new Mainhand on that rogue! That one is vurry vurry bad! You'll want to get a CTS or use that OH Mace in your MH or perhaps a HWL sword. But yeah, deg dump that fist. I know it looks way pro, but it's a horrid, horrid MH weap. It's way too fast, so the top end will be way too low...