Search results

  1. US Epic Slicer - any good?

    Thank you both for your replies. @ohti - what's the BiS mainhand? This seemed to have the highest topend and DPS that I could find.
  2. US Epic Slicer - any good?

    I snagged this off the AH today because it looked neat. 1-10 how good is it? I've been out of the 19 game for a while.
  3. Hogger down!

    Not sure if anyone does this kind of thing (or cares :P) But I just made a monk yesterday and was able to solo all of Stockades. It was a bonkers amount of fun! Tribute @ Stormrage - Community - World of Warcraft :D
  4. Restorative Amber

    Hey guys, Not sure if this would be useful or not, but I did this today and it's neat. I've been working on my 60 druid and giving him all the rep tokens from warbringers/scouts and he got exalted with Klaxxi today. I had a friend fly me out there to get a Tabard, but then I found out that I...
  5. WTS - CORRUPED ASHBRINGER Transmogrification Runs

    Still works as of yesterday: Gun @ Stormrage - Community - World of Warcraft Got my 2nd (offhand) one. Check out the loot dates in history.
  6. Am I missing anything? 80 Lock

    Ahh, gotcha. Yeah, I really started messing more with Mastery lastnight after switching my belt gem, definitely made a difference (even though I'm just frost). I'll work out a couple more things, and try to get the hourglass trinket again. Just when I thought I was done JP farming...heh.
  7. Am I missing anything? 80 Lock

    I'm not sure if warlocks value haste more than raw Int, but it looks like you're missing the other 409 Inttrinket: Satex @ Stormrage - Community - World of Warcraft EDIT: Along the same not, you will get more Int out of using the heroic Plauge Scientist's Boots (I just got mine earlier today...
  8. Naxx Videos

    Hey guys, While wandering around the internet, I found a site that has a bunch of old Curse VS. Naxx videos: Nightmares Asylum Videos and Music Enjoy :) --dan
  9. 60 Armory List (no 64 and no dks)

    Thank you very much. It's nice to see that others can get T3 again on their toons, but you just can't beat the original librams and enchants :)
  10. ANY T3 60 twink armory links?

    Renamed my rogue, here you go: Twerx @ Garona - Community - World of Warcraft
  11. 60 Armory List (no 64 and no dks)

    renamed my rogue, but here it is again :) Twerx @ Garona - Community - World of Warcraft
  12. ANY T3 60 twink armory links?

    My rogue :) Vim @ Garona - Community - World of Warcraft
  13. WTB Teebu's Blazing Longsword

    Can close this off - I'd never equip it or xmog with it now. Got way better ;)
  14. WTB Teebu's Blazing Longsword

    Up, still looking for a sword.
  15. WTB Teebu's Blazing Longsword

    Hello TI, I'm looking to buy a Teebu's. I'll buy from your server and then transfer away, just need to know a price and where you are. You can contact me here via PM or by email at Thank you! EDIT: I have some stuff for trade also, if you need any of the following...
  16. WTB Blackened Defias Gloves - US servers

    If you still need Gloves, I have a set on Garona US Alliance that you can have for free, if you come get 'em.
  17. Level 64 twinks ruines the bracket.

    Based on topic, content, and OP's username...I'm gonna go with ::trollface:: --dan
  18. Max amount of Mounts at 70.

    I've been working on this on my huntard for a bit now too. I'm up to 83 so far! Lots left to go, but it's fun. Mounts - Game - World of Warcraft --dan
  19. US WTB Shadowfang and Assassin's Blade

    WTB Shadowfang and Assassin's Blade Hello TI, I'm gearing up my Bank Alt 19 and am in the market for a SF and AB, possibly multiples of each. US only, would prefer Alliance if possible to cut down on costs. I'd also take some Throat Piercers if the same person had that as my server...