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  1. Albino

    What level for level 20 BOEs ?

    im farming the Murlocs in the middle of Aszuna
  2. Albino

    What level for level 20 BOEs ?

    yeah, greens will always be a lower level than epics. my guess would be a level 26 would find level 20 greens Added a picture of the epics i've found
  3. Albino

    What level for level 20 BOEs ?

    a level 19 character will find level 20 Legion epics. Souce: i've found 4
  4. Albino

    lvl 10 twink

    58 twinkets ??
  5. Albino

    EU+US Speed Twink Armory List (110/111)

    RIP speed twinks, from 220% to 147 on my warrior. literally crying :'(
  6. Albino

    US Fresh, New DH 111 twink needing guidance.

    you probably wanna go cloak/legs/gloves because you want legendary helmet and azerite chest/shoulders
  7. Albino

    Dungeons @ 111

    Here if you wanna see a item with both socket and leech/speed/avoidance
  8. Albino

    DK speedy alt advice

    remember boneshield gives 15% haste as blood, so if you have mobs to hit, blood is probably the best with haste stacking build
  9. Albino

    EU+US Speed Twink Armory List (110/111)

    warriors can dual wield the 2hander too, which is also 4 sockets and more stats
  10. Albino

    EU+US Speed Twink Armory List (110/111)

    Just a heads up guys, you can use the Hellscream's Decapitator BOA 2h axe from MoP if you have it, its ilvl 218 with 2 sockets for a total of 138 haste
  11. Albino

    Corruption under 120? Pic included

    there are addons can that make items like that, so unless you saw it equipped, then it might be fake :)