Search results

  1. Taofight

    US Any active 39s wanna get this bracket started

    This is what an active 39 bracket would likely mean (taken from my last 29 game, and very common). I am thankful 39s is not active because I enjoy queuing it and get a lot of great games how it is now. It is my happy place to go to escape the 29s/19s hunterfest.
  2. Taofight

    Weapons and how scaling works

    I would help you test this if you ever feel like it. Gateboss#1251. We could que into arena war games. I have two accounts I can use so we would only need one more person. In addition I am super curious what is up with my feral druid's shred ability that the tooltip says 1,200 damage but it only...
  3. Taofight

    US Looking to get back into some 29s, any guilds recruiting?

    Hi Paynefull. Me too (Alliance only though). So far I am thinking FTB Bullies I am going to join on Darkspear. I have already played with Clout and Saris a bunch and I like them and their leadership is active and on the forums. I am curious what you find out. They are the only Alliance guild...
  4. Taofight

    Weapons and how scaling works

    I searched every bag and bank of mine and could not fine my darn Replica Lions Fang :( I just tested if this applies to wands for green vs blue difference and there was no tooltip difference in healing on my priest.
  5. Taofight

    Weapons and how scaling works

    Cool info. That explains some things. How did the tests go? Did they see a change in tooltip damage or only a change in damage when looking at damage log averages? Does it only apply to weapons or other slots, like is deadman's hand bis?
  6. Taofight

    EU new twink... are level 50 rogues any good?

    I have been leveling my rogue through each bracket and I think 59 is the first bracket where rogues are good. I got vigor at 45 which helped but not enough, but then getting relentless strikes deepening shadows evis rank 2 shadow blades Finally I can do some damage! I just played a bg and it...
  7. Taofight

    US 20-29 10v10 WSG sign-ups + discussion - 9/23/17

    I [Gateboss#1251] would like to play. Thanks for organizing. How do these things normally go? Should I just get on at the time because most people don't post here that they want to play? Or do you generally know ahead of time if it will happen and call it say tomorrow morning. Because I would...
  8. Taofight

    State of Twinking?

    I have twinked as my main wow activity since vanilla and I know things are fantastic right now. So the "good old days" are not inaccurately represented I want remind people what was going on back in BC and WOTLK for 29s. There was one horde guild to challenge to WSG on our server. And once we...
  9. Taofight

    EU+US Looking for New Computer--- Need Help

    In my experience going into Best Buy to buy a laptop is the best option. At least where I live they have a really big selection, their prices are as low as anywhere, and a laptop selection is in part a personal choice of what you want it to look and feel like after you determine your price...
  10. Taofight

    EU+US Coming back after some years and have some questions.

    Thanks for pointing out I was wrong about armor type. I was going off the tool tip. So then I was curious from what you said and tried swapping a plate item for a leather item of the same ilevel and my stats when down.
  11. Taofight

    EU+US Coming back after some years and have some questions.

    Couple comments for you [wrong, removed] You get stat bonuses at certain ilevel tipping points, not for every ilevel you increase. Soo, if you have grandfathered items it is more fun to equip them and show them off and get to play with them instead of having an extra itevel that won't do...
  12. Taofight

    EU+US What Is Your Favorite Item That Is No Longer Obtainable?

    Damn I miss so many items. I miss Shadowfangs. Even though you can still get them, they are no longer obtainable a part of the game. Glacial Stone. Talbar Mantle.
  13. Taofight

    EU+US do you play both factions?

    No. Horde are scum. I have been trying to rid Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch of them for ten years.
  14. Taofight

    US horde 29s in a nutshell

    Hahaha. Fucking horde. I hope Indica sent them all in game mail!
  15. Taofight

    i'm worried about indica/educational thread

    She hates horde. Sounds like a great girl. Doing work at 29 for the Alliance!
  16. Taofight

    EU+US Scum specs

    I get more annoyed by people who play rogues on my team. Also more annoying than spec choice is horde quing up in a big group (4 and more).
  17. Taofight

    At what level do rogues no longer suck?

    Hi xpoffers. At what level/bracket do rogues stop sucking? I so far have tried 19s, 29s, and 39s, and it feels like helping the enemy team to que as rogue unless maybe the map is AB. When can you put pressure on say a priest without the priest just stopping your damage with bubbles and...
  18. Taofight

    US Possible Premade Recruitment Thread

    Are you Alliance or Horde?
  19. Taofight

    US <halaani whiskey> VS <FTP Bullies>

    This was awesome guys. Nice job to everyone for getting the game going and thanks for sharing the video.