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  1. Zuro


    i can testify, if you think eu is bad you are in for an ice cold bath on the us realms. they're even cuntier and scummier.
  2. Zuro


    For the alliance
  3. Zuro

    EU+US PvP Talent Changes in Battle for Azeroth (Update)

    When's prepatch scheduled?
  4. Zuro

    EU Aggramar Horde Twink

    Report all 29s afk, this bracket belongs to us 20 f2ps
  5. Zuro

    EU Looking for alliance buds to pvp with.

    Quelthalas eu ... no wonder you're reaching out
  6. Zuro

    EU Zuro was that you?

    Why the fuck would you think I made that xd I got one aswell. And fyi: I'm a great sexual coach. obviously a camgirl, whoever is writing these to people isn't trying or is a US pleb
  7. Zuro

    Twinking is back (bye bye templates)

    Didn't hear them say you can stack stats in instanced pvp either. Not looking good for bfa low lvl.
  8. Zuro

    Twinking is back (bye bye templates)

    Mitä vittua
  9. Zuro

    Lets talk football, not soccer v2

    That's rugby you morons. LOL
  10. Zuro

    EU Horde Plebmade/Wargames | Saturday, 28th of April

    Play bm and stream it i will sponsor you.
  11. Zuro

    Share your best Healing Done

    In a pug, easy on priest. Other classes possible but harder. Scientifically possible but highly dependant on circumstances of the bg.
  12. Zuro

    EU Is it worth subbing nowadays?

    Don't sub, play 19s for wargames only so u dont get xp and have a 20 if u wanna play shit bgs vs fotm comps.
  13. Zuro

    News My Watch is Ended

    Spam thread, lock it. Ripduck is a bitch
  14. Zuro


    You were pretending to come to EU at some time last year, didnt happen though. Check your sack before you talk smack.
  15. Zuro

    EU Horde Plebmade/Wargames | Saturday, 14th of April

    Get a good nights sleep beforehand ;)
  16. Zuro

    EU Horde Plebmade/Wargames | Saturday, 14th of April

    Anyone going to stream this epic battle?
  17. Zuro

    EU+US Who's the worst player you ever seen?

    No one to blame but you, no one else that I can think of is that bad at 4:30. I swear it's the lagg.
  18. Zuro

    GEAR: Survivalist's Hunting Spear

    Swag? Kid, you've got none.
  19. Zuro

    EU+US Who's the worst player you ever seen?

    @DexaQT on ww monk chasing people into enemy gy then getting mushed by the ressers and clicking flags or rather the lack there of...
  20. Zuro

    US Best of each class currently

    I'm thinking teenagers should not post on the internet period.