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  1. Zuro

    EU Furbolg Med Pouch

    Im still charging you all with 10k gold per char though!!!
  2. Zuro

    PTR 20-29. What are the classes looking like at the moment

    Thanks for the warrior news, they totally didn't have that in legion...
  3. Zuro

    Watch out Vet's

    That guy miles on xpoff is such a scrub xd
  4. Zuro

    PTR 20-29. What are the classes looking like at the moment

    demo lock swaggiest spec in bfa.
  5. Zuro

    Holy @%!# this ptr rocks

    You are completely right and I was wrong. I will take your words to heart from now on.
  6. Zuro

    EU+US Midsummer Fire Festival

    already got it on my ally shaman. we will see if I'm lucky where it matters ^^
  7. Zuro

    Holy @%!# this ptr rocks

    I just might delete mine. bfa will be yet another huntard/priest expansion yaay..
  8. Zuro

    Free graphics for your Guild(or stream, youtube, etc.) my main twink Guild color is normally dark red.
  9. Zuro

    Free graphics for your Guild(or stream, youtube, etc.)

    Yea i'd like a logo for my guild, also have a yt channel for twinking. i upload only a few vids per xpac tho.
  10. Zuro

    Free graphics for your Guild(or stream, youtube, etc.)

    Cool work, looks really nice. You could make a signature for here on xpoff for me, can be kind of a guild themed one since im also gm of a twinkguild.
  11. Zuro

    The Greatest Flex in History. WHO CAN BEAT IT?

    double surv in 20-29 skirmishes xd. that's some weirdo shit.
  12. Zuro

    Some BFA things tested in instance PVP

    Things can easily get much, much worse. I am not rushing to my conclusion because blizzard doesn't tune the numbers for low level but for max level. A level which is farther removed from ours with every expansion that comes out. so the balancing at 120 in bfa may very well be literally making...
  13. Zuro

    Some BFA things tested in instance PVP

    Genius here bro. not kidding.
  14. Zuro

    EU+US Fake DubbsBegins Channel

    I, in fact, do have a video with 1.5 mil views, but it is not a wow vid.
  15. Zuro

    EU+US Fake DubbsBegins Channel

    The UI, music, clicking on self to heal and editing gave me diarrhea.
  16. Zuro

    Some BFA things tested in instance PVP

    By balanced i mean relatively speaking compared to what could have been if instanced pvp was like world pvp in legion. Without templates this xpac literally every op thing would be twice as strong. I dont argue against customization but when everything oneshots maybe we're better of with...
  17. Zuro

    EU+US 20 or 29 in Battle for Azeroth?

    Decent templates, our last hope
  18. Zuro

    Some BFA things tested in instance PVP

    What a mesmerizingly dumb comment. Where to begin lmao, I can say this above all: for all the hate it has gotten legion pvp templates saved twinking this expansion. Pessimism is completely warranted when talking about bfa low lvl twinking. Oh... unless you just reroll fotm ofcourse. Gz on...
  19. Zuro

    Holy @%!# this ptr rocks

    your meme game is so weak it's cringy.
  20. Zuro

    Holy @%!# this ptr rocks

    29 hunt has rapid fire and it does 2k dmg in 3 seconds. aimed shot does over 1k dmg without critting. have fun healing with your 2k hp