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  1. SPC 10v10 wargame - 12 June 2016 - YouTube

    SPC 10v10 wargame - 12 June 2016 - YouTube

    One hard game for Alliance side. Elemental shaman PoV. If you are on Horde EU and you want to join, add my btag: Lewis#2352 or simply join Somalian Pirate Cr...
  2. SPC 10v10 wargames - June 5th 2016 - YouTube

    SPC 10v10 wargames - June 5th 2016 - YouTube

    Last sundays wargames. we did 2 games. This one i decided to upload. If you play on EU horde 29 and you'd like to join, add my btag: Lewis#2352
  3. SPC 10v10 wargame - May 15th 2016 - YouTube

    SPC 10v10 wargame - May 15th 2016 - YouTube

    1 of the 3 games we did on Sunday. If you play 29 on EU horde and you'd like to join, add my btag Lewis#2352
  4. SPC 10v10 wargames - May 1st 2016 - YouTube

    SPC 10v10 wargames - May 1st 2016 - YouTube

    SPC hosted wargames 10v10 Resto shaman PoV join Somalian Pirate Crew on Stormscale EU horde
  5. SPC 8v8 wargame - March 15th - YouTube

    SPC 8v8 wargame - March 15th - YouTube

    SPC wargames every Saturday or Sunday hosted by SPC. stormscale horde.
  6. SPC 9v9 wargame - March 8th - YouTube

    SPC 9v9 wargame - March 8th - YouTube

    9v9 wargame hosted by SPC. was quite a nice and balanced game. SPC is currently the most active 29s guild EU. Come join us!
  7. WoW MoP 29 twink enhancement shaman - YouTube

    WoW MoP 29 twink enhancement shaman - YouTube

    Critmontage with my 29 enhancement shaman. Patch 5.4.8. Wpvp and bgs. Music: Jay Ray - the great art of living. My armory:
  8. Zuro

    EU+US The End of Legion

    what i liked most about legion was..... uhm... oh nvm. Atleast i enjoyed the.. ehm nevermind...
  9. Zuro

    US Deputylight vs Jory first to 10

    How can you possibly hold the duel king title after this lmao. Calling yourself the best in a thread where the you are proven not to be. Just say 2nd best from now on, no shame in that cracka.
  10. Zuro

    Beta satchels drops same loot!

    Can't argue with that, the EU is a fucking disgrace. People don't believe in freedom of speech. Fuck me i gotta move!
  11. Zuro

    Beta satchels drops same loot!

    People read this as farming and opening right now. US peeps have trouble interpreting high iq EU posts.
  12. Zuro

    Beta satchels drops same loot!

    trollguden wrote it wrong, he is trying to spread confusion in the bracket but I won't let him!
  13. Zuro

    Beta satchels drops same loot!

    He means the rewards from doing dungeon now and opening scatchel in 8.0 = doing dungeon in 8.0 and opening scatchel. So u can chill.
  14. Zuro


    I'm so happy i dont play on US.
  15. Zuro


    down to run alot on both horde and ally, im 29 though. Zuro#21453
  16. Zuro

    How do you wipe your ass?

    Sitting, and i try not to think about the asshairs, just give it a good wipe and make sure you dont smear it upwards to your lower back. speaking about shitty asshairs, i know someone who might have... expertise @Kunqq
  17. Zuro

    US Deputylight Dethroned

    a 15 year old legion twink on us.
  18. Zuro

    News Xpoff League Tournament Series - Special Announcement

    3v3 comps in prepatch: disc disc disc vs disc disc disc
  19. Zuro

    Am I the only FC?

    If only you had Rejuthed me sooner I wouldn't have died to that flanking strike.
  20. Zuro

    EU Furbolg Med Pouch

    Can also add my btag, got 110s both ally and horde. Can do boost for boost. Zuro#21453. I only need the offhand on horde chars now though.