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  1. Zuro

    EU Horde quit using this pls.

    Russian alliance premades use these boards non stop, I can tell you they very much are op because you can spawn 3 of them and when you're already being pressured it makes a huge difference. I think we best report this item as bugged. I will ban anyone in spc from using these boards unless...
  2. Zuro

    EU Horde, LF community chat for level 20-29 pvp

    Add my btag I'll hook u up Zuro#21453
  3. Zuro

    EU+US does anyone even play shaman anymore?

    Resto is really strong but I prefer ele playstyle with big earth shocks in glasscannon gear
  4. Zuro

    Killd 29 Disc priest in 2sec [Video]

    2 shots and 1v3ing levelers is normal now. Gz
  5. Zuro

    EU Less is More - Ravencrest Ally

    This guild also gives special funding to demo locks
  6. Zuro

    EU+US Mini transmog tip

    bloodsail admiral's hat also possible with this method O:
  7. Zuro

    EU+US Mini transmog tip

    Always knew you were a caveman
  8. Zuro

    EU Is there an existing community?

    My advice is to never listen to the low iq xpoff mods. Ravencrest has the best alliance 20-29 community at the moment. Magtheridon is utter rubbish and so is Aggrammar.
  9. Zuro

    EU+US somalian pirate crew tribute

    You're* Your post is low iq as fuck. Nazi mods, he shouldn't have done that. Certainly wasn't because of me btw
  10. Zuro

    EU+US somalian pirate crew tribute

    Spc tribute backfired lol
  11. Zuro

    EU+US Stats for caster/healer

    Ur a shit paladin
  12. Zuro

    Bfa launch so bad...forbes article

    What a retarded casual whos class got nerfed, anyone who enjoyed legion is a spastic
  13. Zuro

    EU Less is More - Ravencrest Ally

    Please no rogue premades
  14. Zuro

    EU+US Stats for caster/healer

    You know a thread is gonna be super awful when the title is already in broken English...
  15. Zuro

    EU+US somalian pirate crew tribute

    I pity you more than Garomir.
  16. Zuro

    EU+US somalian pirate crew tribute

    This is in no way funny.
  17. Zuro

    EU How active is the 29 bracket?

    <SPC> is my twink guild on stormscale horde. We had 15 twinks online yday at some point. Looking to start doing wargames in bfa.
  18. Zuro

    EU+US Engi thoughts/What is twinking for you? - Discussion!

    It should be competative twink vs twink and faceroll when facing levelers. But there will always be fotm and super bursty engineering items will only make countering fotms harder because of less time to react to burst.
  19. Zuro

    Patch 8.0.1 - War of Thorns Quest Chain

    Dont be so pessimistic mr guden, im sure blizzard has thought of us.