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  1. Solo TBC dungeons possible?

    It's possible on Druid as Guardian without any special gear. I think some bosses are also soloable as resto, but that's WAY harder. You probably just need a bit more Stam and a few more attempts to get a feel for when to heal. With the exception of Crypts, all TBC dungeons are pretty easy.
  2. 20 Twink Solo Monk Classic Dungeonmaster Completed!

    Is Naga Hide obtainable as f2p horde? The only trainer wowhead has for that is Narv in Nazjatar. Is there some other trainer we can access?
  3. Fun with Enhancement builds

    If you're talking about bgs, the best mastery on-use trinket I've found is It retains the full 61 mastery on use while the tusk drops to 40 in bgs.

    Managed to get it done again today and pushed out 20K healing as well.
  5. Hipster Top DPS

    Hipster Top DPS

    Top DPS for hipster thread.
  6. Wargames commentary - <TF> vs <HWM> 7v7

    Loved the video!
  7. Assault on Bash'ir Landing

    Soloing would be very class dependent. I've taken 3 shots at soloing on my Guardian druid and eventually run out of gas in the phase just before the last boss. I just don't have the damage to down those last waves of elites before they overwhelm me eventually. Maybe if I had some better gems or...
  8. Where do you chill?

    I mostly hang out in Shat these days. Sometimes I go kill ogres and mine adamantite. Just finishing up the last couple enchants I need before dropping enchanting and moving on to other professions.
  9. Benchmarks for Epic-ness

    For me, I evaluate a game on a combination of deaths and big plays made. Did I get a sick FC kill? Did I root that healer out of LoS of our kill target and to swing the momentum? Did I get a clutch warstomp to swing a fight? The more of those plays I can remember at the end, the more likely I...
  10. Assasin/Outlaw Rogue video XD

    Hey cool vids man. What are your thoughts on the differences between the specs? Do they excel at different things?
  11. Feral in BGs and Guardian druid instance soloer extraordinaire

    Feral in BGs and Guardian druid instance soloer extraordinaire
  12. Hey man, If you're on US horde and run Mech, I'm serious about running you through. I've got a...

    Hey man, If you're on US horde and run Mech, I'm serious about running you through. I've got a recipe in that instance I want to farm up anyway so happy to have somebody to chat with while I do it. In game I'm Yurklol#1847
  13. Shadowlands F2P Baseline Guide

    @M0rtis666 Are you horde US or EU? If US, if we can get somebody to group us, I'll run you through.
  14. WoD On Use Trinket

    I think for classes like hunters which have high uptime, the trinket you mentioned is probably better. I play a feral druid which is less about consistent uptime and more about having a specific burst window around 5 CP Bite. This particular trinket buffs bite damage about 24% on-use, so it...
  15. WoD On Use Trinket

    Following up on some chat in the discord, it looks like WoD on-use trinkets are giving the full +61 in bgs. I was able to farm up the +mastery, +crit and +haste trinkets and got +61 for all according to the character sheet both while I was naked and when I was wearing my feral gear. (I didn't...
  16. Crit_geared_after


  17. Crit_geared_before


  18. Crit_ungeared


  19. Haste_geared_after


  20. Haste_geared_before

