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  1. Level 20 Items Sheet UPDATED

    How does this work? I just LFG both Freehold and Atal on my f2p and didn't see anybody get bonus on last boss. Do I need to carry with a high level? Or did this get "fixed" overnight?
  2. How to test Outlaw Rogue - Frustrating, nickle-slot-machine of a spec.

    It occurs to me rather than just relying on the simple dps number, I could control for most of the confounding factors. That would require me recording crit % actual vs crit % expected and adjusting accordingly. Similarly, total number of strikes and actual poison applications vs expected poison...
  3. How to test Outlaw Rogue - Frustrating, nickle-slot-machine of a spec.

    TL;DR I wanted to contribute useful data to the community. I failed to do so and instead wrote a bunch of words that go nowhere. If you have hard data to share or tips on how to make testing more reliable, please let me know. Evening all, I've been messing around with Rogue specs for a while...
  4. Profession routing?

    3 Agi 2 Agi + 2 Crit 3 Crit 2 Int + 2 Crit 3 Int The rest of the gems from this vendor say "Requires level 36". There's also a bunch of meta gems available. See screenshot.
  5. Profession routing?

    I would point out you should consider modifying the route if you are a melee character to include Blacksmithing VERY EARLY. The stones that come from late vanilla BS, were very large dps boosts on both my Feral and Rogue. On future melee characters, I plan to level BS immediately after the first...
  6. 20 Twink Solo Death Knight Classic Dungeonmaster Run completed!

    Is orb of torment still available? Adventure guide says requires level 40 now.
  7. 9.1.5 Changes

    R.I.P my dungeon soloing rogue.
  8. Dagger for rogue

    I use 2 socketed BFA daggers all the time when I'm outlaw. We don't have dispatch at 20 and in my tests there is no dps difference between running artifact dagger and artifact sword on a target dummy as outlaw (back before nerf), so I always just run daggers no matter what spec I'm running...
  9. 20 Twink Solo Classic Dungeonmaster & PVE Guide

    Are all target dummies the same? Meaning, can I just use the El Cheapo or is there merit in getting the more advanced dummies?
  10. Resto Druid Montage

    Great video man! I was thinking that the first part of the video mirrored my experience on R-Druid. Stunned, Nature Locked, Stunned again, fml. Max respect for putting out a R Druid vid.
  11. Why is no one using Powerful Earthshatter Diamond

    I'm about 98% certain a warrior resisted my cheap shot a couple weeks back. So I do think it's "working" to some extent. I will say I have no idea if the rate is actually 5%. I can only remember 1 resisted cheap shot in the last few months of playing rogue. After the game, I immediately jumped...
  12. Rogue pvp pt2

    Good stuff man!
  13. FreeToPlay Wargames

    In for wargames as well on my Druid or Rogue. I'm also on US Bleeding Hollow like OP.
  14. 9.1 PTR Patch Notes Discussion [Twentified][NeedsUpdate]

    Oh, well that's a bummer but completely understandable from your side. I wouldn't have clicked around in all those PVP talents anyway. I was just hoping for some good news for my beloved Feral rather than just "Cool, I can shift conc shot and not get ROFL stomped AS bad as everybody else"
  15. 9.1 PTR Patch Notes Discussion [Twentified][NeedsUpdate]

    Regarding PVP Talents, it looks like Feral Wicked claws talent requires level 25. How does that work with BGs? Like if I'm "29" in a bg, can I select that talent?
  16. 9.1 PTR Patch Notes Discussion [Twentified][NeedsUpdate]

    On the upside for druids, shifting those conc shots off just became more valuable.
  17. Level 20 VET Guardian Druid PVP highlights

    Looking good man.
  18. short windwalker montage on my new pc

    Nice vid man! Having not played monk, it's somewhat hard for me to understand some of what's going on so it would be cool if you did a commentary someday. 1) How do you feel monk compares to other agi melee (feral, rogue, enh, *the spec that shall not be named*) 2) I notice a couple clips at...
  19. PVE/Target spec DPS tier list

    One other stipulation I would add is which target dummy should be used. I did a quick test in which I hit each of the training dummies for 2 minutes. No CDs were popped, I took off the trinkets that could proc and I just kept my dots up and made sure to pool 50 energy before bite. Training...
  20. Rogue Assassin / Outlaw Video Compiled

    Nice vid man! What are your thoughts on the strengths of Outlaw vs Assassination? Seems like you play Outlaw more, is it just stronger? If so, what makes it stronger? Cheers!