Search results

  1. 110 vs 111

    111 is great for PvE, 110 is great for PvE/BG combo, 119 is great for PvP. If you enjoy being 111 stick with it, if you want to try out 110, make a 110 alt.
  2. 111 DH For IE?

    If you want to PvP and do IE then 110 is the way to go man.
  3. US LF Islands Speedruns (Closed)

    Alliance or Horde?
  4. 110 Twink guidance

    There's no Mythic+ in Legion anymore, they were removed with BFA. As for the best 110 Twink, everyone will give their own answer. Most will say DH or Druid because the DH with the Legendary that's for the head slot can do massive damage with Eye Beam over and over again. Druid because it can...
  5. Atal Dazar in 3.57min

    As usual, making me really want to level another Shaman. You have to stop this man. You're making me go crazy wanting to make crazy OP alts lmao.
  6. 110s weekly mythic quest

    No weekly quests for Legion ever again now actually. They got rid of them.
  7. 110 Quick Start Guide [BfA]

    With 120s? Not many but people are retarded and don't like doing mechanics, you could have like 1/4 of the raid being 110 and the 120s will whine about why you're in there. Many people don't understand that twinking is a thing and it's far different than in Legion. We need raid gear this...
  8. Question about an item for potential use.

    Well I know there are far better options but it is a tad bit upsetting tbh. I do wish it was worth more than I believe it to be worth. It's a very rare item and I've seen mostly on other servers the price is fluctuating because no one is buying it. It's a bit sad, to be honest. It actually...
  9. Question about an item for potential use.

    So I was doing SM about a week ago on my Paladin to try grinding out Zombies for XP and had a friend clear out the elite trash that was around. Well, after about 45 minutes of just mindless grinding, I got tired of it (was like 7 am) and looted a nearby Elite to find a Steelclaw Reaver drop. I...
  10. EU+US 110 twinks whats the best legendaries for Boomkins?

    The ones that make you go boom! No, but seriously I've no idea what the best ones are because, during Legion, I had the shoulders which were the BiS for Boomkin, then BFA came out and it changed everything. Replaced those shoulders so quick because they just weren't worth it anymore.
  11. 110 Feral Druid PVE / Farming

    You can still do that but you'll have to constantly apply bleeds to everything while running around. Just tagging it with a bleeding won't work sadly because it will only cause so much damage.
  12. General Completely Afkable Leveling (3 levels 1 hour) 20-60

    Ello, I'm a bit late to the party I see, but I'd like to post my results as a Prot Paladin trying to get to 60 from 55. No matter what, you have to actively actually kill things every so often so that you won't die while also healing yourself using the instant heal (10 sec cd I believe?)...
  13. 110 Feral Druid PVE / Farming

    You should be asking on the 110-119 part, more answers there. However, AFAIK Feral is still extremely weak unless they have the right Azerite pieces, and even then they still suck in comparison to other classes. However, I cannot say for certain if that's the case as I've not personally tried to...
  14. EU+US Looking to twink DH

    Ah yeah my apologies man, thought you were the other dude lmao. But yeah, he's entirely wrong though, that shit was posted back before BFA was released, way back in beta. People are still trying to sell theirs but one dude said he sold it for $800 which is funny because I don't give a fuck how...
  15. EU+US Looking to twink DH

    That's 20-29 twink, not 110-119 then. Entirely different bracket there man.
  16. EU+US Looking to twink DH

    And where is this post and who is posting it? Because no one is going to buy it but I've never seen that post on the 110-119 twink posts yet. If you're referring to maybe back in the day during 101 twinking, that was normal.
  17. Deathbolt = OP

    DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME THIS! Now I want to gear up my 110 Warlock and do this shit. Man, I wanna cry now lol.
  18. EU+US Looking to twink DH

    There's plenty of reason to go 111, crafted gear, alchemy trinkets, gems scale better, same with enchants. Don't say there's no reason to go 111, many people go 111 and they prefer it over 110, it's a personal choice. @op stick to 110 if you want, there's more viability in 110 vs 111 but it's...
  19. Speedruns

    Let me just state that my UH DK can pretty much Solo dungeons himself, the one I have issues with is the one where those mobs are packed tight into that room and most of them constantly heal each other. It took more than 10 wipes for me to clear that room because people kept pulling extra shit...
  20. Speedruns

    For IE most people are going with Havoc DH, for Dungeons can't really say on that end yet although most will say it's still Havoc DH but that's because DH are just super easy.