Search results

  1. linker

    EU+US Blue & Green BOE items for 10's

    Farming in 10-60 zones with my lvl 1 I was able to get lvl7req greens and lvl10 blues I'll try in 15-60 ones, maybe we get nice stuff
  2. linker

    Wandering Isle Stayers

    All got got fixed, now is impossible to scape :'c
  3. linker

    what are your keybindings for closing game (default is alt f4)

    left click and right click
  4. linker

    Wandering Isle Stayers

    Yesss!!! if necessary, we could put gold between everyone, and give it to someone with riding. it is a common benefit, imo
  5. linker

    EU+US War Mode Removing WPvP from 1 Twinks?

    I'm very sad We need to make an arena tournament before BfA
  6. linker

    EU WTB GFd lvl 1 items in Argent Dawn

    Hi guys, I'm looking for GFd items (mostly weapons, but also armor, consumables, etc...) So, if you are in Argent Dawn and want to sell something, contact me ^^ Shurx@2363
  7. linker

    EU Best realm to get GFs lvl 1 items?

    Hi guys ^^, I'm trying to collect every weapon and armor aviable at lvl1 This includes tons of GFd items, so i usually look in the AH of others realms Who is the best realm to get that items? To farm some gold in one in specific, i think that Argent Dawn is the best, but, what do you think...
  8. linker

    EU+US Profesions at lvl 1 on Beta

    No eng aviable at lvl 1 :/ But i guess that we'll be able to use it if you have, there's a few LoTs with eng from Cata
  9. linker

    EU+US Profesions at lvl 1 on Beta

    I'll play LoTs cos is my favourite thing in my favourite game ever. I can still get fun with 1s trying to obtain everything I can ... But, yeah, we are very dead, we can't pve like before, we cant pvp with nobody (neither against other lvls 1 here in 7.3.5, you only need to wait for Elec)...
  10. linker

    EU+US Profesions at lvl 1 on Beta

    Ouch, taht hurts
  11. linker

    EU+US Profesions at lvl 1 on Beta

    Cooking becoming GF o.O So, no fishing, no FA, no more cooking... shiet
  12. linker

    EU+US Lemme see your gear and bags :D

    Aw, how I need sin'dorei cloack :'( There's no one on my server
  13. linker

    Wandering Isle Stayers

    Any Mailbox in EU? please
  14. linker

    EU+US Any news?

    Hi guys, it's been a long time since I played wow, specially with LoTs With the 7.3.5 apocalypse, we have now nothing to do, dead PvP/duels and PvE There's any news in LoT community? New gear, titles, vanity items... Thank you PS: Sorry for my Tarzan english
  15. linker

    EU+US [Updated] Armory List Add my palladin ^^
  16. linker

    EU+US Legion BoE Epics

    1-10-19-28-37 it isn't enought I tried killing mobs in broken shore, but i cant get any loot. How can you get the loot? we can try going with a 110 and try if we have luck, but... 0.2%
  17. linker

    EU ilvl 810 relics for 101?

    where is the best spot to farm lockboxes?
  18. linker

    EU+US Level 1 - 5 twinks (Global Guild)

    Shurx#2363 Los twinks de nivel uno Spanish guild ^^
  19. linker

    an interesting idea from Linker

    I think that a "interface" translation would be awesome. And behind any post, [EU-Sp], [US-Pt], [EU-En], etc... Also a subforum for different languajes to discuss