Search results

  1. linker

    Selling some GF'd items for lvl 1s (AD EU)

    For pure collection All located in Argent Dawn (EU) but can accept gold in other servers, depending of which one (Argent Dawn/Dun Modr if possible) - x2 - x2 -...
  2. linker

    Can you solo any instances at lvl 20 F2P?

    Hmmm not having any issues soloing dungeons with my prot pala, You can take any pull without problem in any dungeon. And same with bosses
  3. linker

    Farming Friends! (F2P/Vet tags)

    EU alliance shurx#2363 For Bfa/TBC dungs, and greens
  4. linker

    F2P & Vet Armory List [SHADOWLANDS]

    This is my vet prot paladin ^^
  5. linker

    Separated 1-9 bracked from 10-19 please

    We 1s are somewhat different. No profs, no dungs, almost no zones etc... At 10 You start playing the game, new zones (all continents), able to enter dungeons and everything We should be separated as I don't see how 1s can interact with 10s, now with SL changing everything in the world... Of...
  6. linker

    EU Selling some gf'd items

    Up! Now in Argent Dawn, as I recently moved my main there ^^
  7. linker

    EU+US [Theory] Shadowlands fishing&engineer on lvl 1

    50---->120 X ---->5 5*50/120------>2.08 If They make the squish doing simple maths, bfa's lvl 5 will be lvl 2, so... :( But, it's Blizzard, good luck guessing something xDDD
  8. linker

    EU Selling some gf'd items

  9. linker

    EU Selling some gf'd items

    Also selling a Keen Machete in Dunemaul
  10. linker

    Exile's Reach Stayers

    Hahahah I was looking for this Count with me boys
  11. linker

    EU Selling some gf'd items

    All located in Argent Dawn (EU) but can accept gold in other servers, depending of which one (Argent Dawn/Dun Modr if possible) Weapons/armor - x2 - x2 -...
  12. linker

    EU Selling Riding Turtle / Sea Turtle

    Is this still doable? Have tried today to get one riding turtle for my f2p, but impossible to let the f2p get the loot, neither dices, nothing
  13. linker

    US Level 1 Twink - 4000 Achievement Points

    Holy fuck, congrats man. It will be really hard for anyone now to reach you amazin
  14. linker

    EU+US Just had the XPOff discord server owner make a level 1 section in the discord.

    Just join in the lvl 1 discord server, we even sometimes talk about lvl 1 things
  15. linker


    Also thinking about making a lvl 10 twink, horde side, cos you can get wingblade at that lvl
  16. linker

    EU+US Level One Vanilla Rogue

    Impossible at lvl 1, is like 1k xp or so viable for lvl 5+, but at lvl 1 is not an option sadly
  17. linker

    EU+US Best path for quest items?

    That's pretty much it. Just grind to lvl 5 or do starting zone quest, cos items don't scale from that quests ^^
  18. linker

    Wandering Isle Stayers

    ohhh lol, I'm reserving mine (still have 1 heheh) but for higher levels, log in, spam macro to complete pet quests, log out :p We don't have any neutral pandaren with guild in EU right? :7 Edit: Btw, Did Doubleagent change server? Can't find him in the armory
  19. linker

    Wandering Isle Stayers

    :o Nice So, at 76 herbs gives you 846 xp But I remember getting more at 64 Maybe at 70 tehre's a "cap"?
  20. linker

    Wandering Isle Stayers

    Anything new guys? Logged on my neutral after more than a year, it seems that herb/veins now gives a ton of exp