Search results

  1. EU Rogues vs US rogues

    Let's be honest, only Saxxon and the rogue who play Rdruid / Rogue in 2s are the master rogue (talking arenas Wise, cuz sapping targets in WSG isnt that hard...)
  2. What's your best memory of 19s?

    Playing with Tough Love <3 Meet some talented players on US ;)
  3. 'Murica

    was it 100 % needed to make a thread about it ?
  4. 19 twink rogue arena vid

    Game play was great ! too bad this wasn't the 19s we know on 3.3.5, i would like to see you on a 80 movie on AT tho :)
  5. 3v3 EU Arena Tournamanet UP TO DATE VERSION.

    Was good ! Hope we can do this more often ! Thanks for commentating and hosting us on your twitch channel Hunnybuns
  6. Rate my Hunter.

    Is it worth playing with defias set as hunter ?
  7. 19s Armory List

    That's a huge collection you got here :) Such a dedicated twink !
  8. EU Queue Thread : 6:30pm

    Can't wait to see the screenshot, oh wait never happened since you never actually accepted a challenge from me, nor queuing against me, but check your Hard Disk you might found some sick screens you won a bg against a pug but losing healing meter to Rsham cata.
  9. What do you drive?

    You guys got some sick cars !
  10. 3v3 Arena Tournament : 29 & 30 of august, 100k golds prize on draenor.

    Hi there i wanna play with my friends : <STEKAREN CHAMPS> Viancoqia @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft => Mage DPS 1 Billgatesirl @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft => Monk DPS 2 + Off heal 1 Swetwink @ Aggramar - Community - World of Warcraft => Priest Healer 1
  11. Christmas tournament 2015 on EU serveur: Poll!!

    That's a great idea ! Might get a team with some friends.
  12. besthunter

    Before being a 3 point talent it was a 5 point talent and was increasing your AP 12/24/36/48/60 % of your intel, then in 3.3.X they swapped it to 33/66/100 % of intel.
  13. besthunter

    Reppin that talent 12 % of intel = AP #olskool
  14. Project: GG 19 EU! (EU Revival)

    Are you guys gold swapping for Horde to Alliance golds on Draenor ? If so let me know i have some old shits that have slept for too long.
  15. I hate people.

    What's the point of the thread ?
  16. important thread

    Isn't it an arrowbase thread toward Curley ?
  17. WTS Gloom on US vs golds on EU ( Raven/Stormscale )

    WTB a faction change 60k golds on stormscale Horde : Johladouille#2691
  18. WTS Gloom on US vs golds on EU ( Raven/Stormscale )

    Hi khoma here I take Angel logs to post ! Excuse my bad english, WTS Gloomshrood armor on ( on Scarlet Crusade-US ) for 60k ( on Stormscale/Ravencrest-EU ) I can give a SF on bloodhoof for free. I'm a serious seller. Add my EU battletag if u want to speak : Johladouille#2691 Cya
  19. BEST of 19

    Just ignore this troll please.