Search results

  1. EU What should I play for alliance?

    Boomkin - Cuz it's always fine to have one more in your team Priest - It's good to have 1 or 2 in your team but not too much Hunter - If you like playing the Defense after the first mid fight BM - 1 per team is really good, more is pretty shit Rsham - Always good to have 2 in your team, 1 is...
  2. US Players you respect. (19s)

    Pretty sure u were on my list idk you aren't in... might have failed :( Anyways : Viticus - My mage / priest hero :) also a great multiclasser and rank one material on snap !
  3. EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Well i solo queue arenas (yet i haven't saw you here, weren't you an arena hero from WOTLK or another lost era?) / WSG daily aswell, yet i still haven't see you won a game in the actual patch. Thing is you, even with a decent team, you make them loose (CF Jva story). So idk what to think...
  4. EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Yeah mate let's make sure 19s die cuz we are too good at this game again.
  5. US Players you respect. (19s)

    Vianco - Greatest guild leader and target caller all of time, also one of best Damage dealer whatever the class he play ! Arkant - Best player without mic. His awareness is amazing, he doesn't even have to listen to you he already know what's up ! Nicozy - Cdewlivelordx @19 Never saw a Rsham so...
  6. EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    if i wanted to troll posts i would have say something like "u shit at this game" and it's not even trolling since it's the truth.
  7. EU+US BiS druid FC gear

    Alright thanks mate :)
  8. EU+US BiS druid FC gear

    I might have missed a whole fucking season then not only 1 episode... I only have Syncretist's Sigil on 1 head (Ruby Shades) :( too bad i don't have it on legs aswell
  9. EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    I have to agree with Jva and Bestworld, Displacer beast is way better than the 2 others talents no matter the situation. Good thing you stopped your lag macros.
  10. EU+US BiS druid FC gear

    Can you even open ambush in the front...
  11. EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    How badly you wanna get GY farmed :(
  12. EU+US BiS druid FC gear

    I would like to know if you had access to every head enchants in the game (or most of them) ? Which one would you use (on LFH or would you sacrifice LFH if you have an heirloom or either a green tinted google) ?
  13. EU 19´s Guild Directory

    Really nice :)
  14. EU [Recruiting & Funding] <Against All Odds> A-Team (Premade)

    Good luck getting a good A team !
  15. EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Sounds like i've missed something :( It's great to see EU is back on track ! I would love to play against some of my old opponents and stuff :) maybe this week ?
  16. EU Time and day for 3s on EU

    Is it possible to set up some mirrors in the first place ? Me and my guildmates are up for whatever comp you want basicly !
  17. EU Arena information

    Was in queue for day as Frost Mage / Disc or Disc / Ret with my homies (Stubs and Viticus) but unfortunately, we couldn't face team at our rating... Can we set up a night that high rated team would queue ? (around 1950 or above would be good)
  18. State of 19s?

    I was wondering who he is since he talk about us like he know us, and his sig lead to an US armory. Yeah error 404 :(
  19. new meta

    lockgodtko @19s gogogo Uraflamer <3
  20. State of 19s?

    Who are you ?