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  1. US 19 Twink Cup Arena Rules...

    I think it should be a good idea 1 melee / 1 caster / 1 healer. Banning Crusader and Landslide.
  2. US Should double Boomkin be banned in Warsong?

    Also Mutando keep in mind Starsurge is mono target, keg smash hit hard on multiples targets.
  3. EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Artonk was Resto druid whole MOP, Ceec was feral but then he created a new char named Cceecc as boomkin, mate do you even play EU or you are lagging too much to see specs on your computer ?
  4. EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    I wasn't in thoses game were Seb was playing his horde feral, what a fucktard for having it on both side... We usually loose tempers when 3 man queue from Stormscale, ruin your mid presence by playing random stuff like rogues, ruin your healing experience by LoS everysingle heals from horde team...
  5. EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    It doesn't take the number of players into considerations, it take votes into consideration (each players got a certain amount of votes), this mean you have to spam the report and not just tell your friend "i see you are queuing feral, that's unfair, log offline and queue something else." TL...
  6. EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Does it require 9 vote to kick someone ? Thanks God no. If "Friends" refuse easy stuff like that, you should probably rework the definition of friends. It's not like you told them you need irl money and stuff, kicking the weakest player or the cancerous one should be an easy task if you have...
  7. EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Well i can't recall the last time i've saw a feral horde side, nor alliance side (since Seb recently), for the simple fact it wasn't that good back in WOD, it was okay but after your opening you were beyond useless. 75 % of your games were alliance ? Nice, you played with all your friends, yet...
  8. EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    I bet you have kept your screenshots collection from MOP with ferals in every game from horde side just for me, please do so post them thoses late 2014/early 2015 screens (not from the recent beef with Reece or Quack). By "You guys" i mean Alliance, most of games i've played you were playing...
  9. EU Dog List

    Jetlife my man, i can let you on my account if you want to what do you want to play ?
  10. EU Going too far..

    If you think we ruin your day, you should think you are ruining ours.
  11. EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Well, i can totally understand what Reece have done, you alliance guys seems to forgot that Kite (Seb) is opening on everysingle healer with the same rogue who open kick (especially when the healer is alone in the BG...). Horde didn't queue ferals for years, but you guys started the hype so...
  12. EU Ring of Precision, Goblin Screwdriver

    I got the dagger but not on your realm. if you are interested still hit me up.
  13. EU+US Top 5 most dank memelords?

    Oh okay i see thanks man.
  14. EU+US Top 5 most dank memelords?

    I'm curious, what's your rogue name ?
  15. EU+US Elitism Circle Jerkster List

    Elitists are way too much passionated in twinking, that's why they can't understand why others players aren't at their level... They can't understand the fact they are the only one dedicated on class they play and they try to obtain every acknowledge/gear possible in the game in general (no...
  16. EU 10v10 Premades on EU right now!

    Can i have team comp and who's was playing those roles ?
  17. EU Dog List

    Already paid, was missing Vianco's part but he gave it to stubs recently. That's why you see Stubs wearing a beautiful transmog and a beautiful Duskbringer.
  18. EU+US Elitism Circle Jerkster List

    Well if you are playing shit, of course we are going to loose our manners, mainly because you don't deserve our respect.
  19. EU Dog List

    The real question is "Are you guys gonna faction change in order to get an easy win ?" Also if a team get 5 man torrent, it's either your 3 healers are terribly positionned or either your caster stacked your healers leaving the front lane alone without the option of DoTing the opponent team...
  20. EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Competitive games ! Was awesome even if i lost most of my solo q.