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  1. EU European plebmades!

    some scoreboard screenshots are highly appreciate.
  2. EU+US The best of men (Thankyou)

    Does it worth more than it used to be ? was like 20-30 k when i used to give them away.
  3. EU+US The best of men (Thankyou)

    When did woodworking gloves become something really worthy ? I used to give them away...
  4. EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Did he stopped lagging or i've missed something ?

    Haw mean, dis bunny jump is whey bttur then jmps macros in wsg
  6. EU+US USA vs EU, who is better?

    That's mainly the dream team i would like to gather yeah, at the moment i have to be replaced since my old computer no longer support wow i have to either lend my lil bro computer or buy a new one, i can still log online but 5ips all day... But yeah it might be cool to dust off a bit our premade...
  7. EU+US USA vs EU, who is better?

    There is no way PUG are better on EU than US... We are setting up our team (we lost some members), mate give us a bit time, take this time and use it with efficiency, do some practice wargames.
  8. EU+US USA vs EU, who is better?

    Lol EU PUG compared to US premade rofl How did Muskie died 8 times ?
  9. EU+US What's a 2s partner for BM monk?

    i recommand BM / Disc and BM / Rsham If you are really good BM / rogue
  10. US Jamesb vs Saxxon

    gogogo Saxx
  11. EU+US USA vs EU, who is better?

    Are you back from Amsterdamn ?
  12. EU+US USA vs EU, who is better?

    Even without playing at my best level i still have a 100 % winratio @ 19 premade and something close to 75 % in solo queue. So i don't think "passion" is the word you should use.
  13. EU+US USA vs EU, who is better?

    If there is no drama between the 2 teams i wouldn't take it seriously and i would not even prepare myself for the fight since we are like almost friends. But if he is starting to provoke me then sure i will do everything needed to shut his fucking mouth.
  14. EU+US USA vs EU, who is better?

    Drama is what you need to win a game. Also for whatever reason, i think players from both sides will think that US or EU teams doesn't deserve to represent them in that competition.
  15. add my btag shogo1#2227 for the goblin screwdriver.

    add my btag shogo1#2227 for the goblin screwdriver.
  16. EU EU Activity on the Rise!

    Supporting this idea.
  17. EU Going too far..

    I feel sad i've never saw him in 2s bracket "Bestworld" what is he running Rsham / mage ? or Disc / mage ?
  18. EU+US tinksCount | Lvl 19 Horde & Alliance Counter | Auto-Queue BG & Arena

    Well, when someone is streaming he broadcast spam himself so he reach a bigger audience i don't think it's worth you are putting time on that side :)
  19. US Should double Boomkin be banned in Warsong?

    People against double boomkin must have terrible FC...
  20. EU Going too far..

    Why would you kick ferals when your opponents have feral aswell ?