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  1. EU EU TCL 2017 £200 Prizepool

    I can fit your last spot depends on what you need :D
  2. EU+US Allstar team?

    Coach : Me (because it's very nice to see better player on the field) Disc 1 : Khoma Disc 2 : Yowza Rsham : Nicozy Rdruid FC : Whoyurdaddy Hunter 1 : Arkant Hunter 2 : Hajimama Mage : Vianco Boomkin : Ondura Lock : Reece War : Stubs Special mentions : Nazzr / Thai / Skeezin / Lopio / Saxxon /...
  3. EU+US Mage Transmog

    No one with Infierno robe, i'm feeling so old right now...
  4. EU+US Idk how these people even get to lvl 19?

    hum. I didn't get the point of the thread i guess.
  5. EU+US Best 19 healing class?

    Please play 19s, 10s is just an handicap most of time. I've noticed that aswell but thought it was a bug and not intended ahahaha :D That doesn't mean shamans are better at holding melees on him compare to discs.
  6. US Which bracket for a first time twink

    It is but when it's your first time twink, i believe you don't want to get farmed and sit GY all day. Some BC/WOTLK players who used to rape levelers and take advantages of their gear.
  7. US Which bracket for a first time twink

    I've failed, i wanted to say he will play more games than 10-19s, he is on US side i believe, there is less games atm compare to 20-29s. Also 20-29 isn't that competitive at all, so you won't loose your mind about epeen/rating and stuff.
  8. US Which bracket for a first time twink

    Id suggest you to go for 20-29 bracket, you will not play more games than 10-19s and without loosing your head.
  9. US Caught in the Exploit!!!

    I think it's misunderstanding, english isn't my native language. I don't know about you guys, but most of people do it without problem compare to other one maps tricks.
  10. EU+US Best 19 healing class?

    Disc is king for some obvious reasons : 1) Absorbs via Power Word : Shield count as heal in your scoreboard => that permit you to top healing meters. 2) Power Word : Shield is an instant shield with 6 sec CD and absorb almost 1 k damage => it allow you to reposition yourself good if you are...
  11. US Caught in the Exploit!!!

    I don't know if serious or troll
  12. EU How to get decent games

    I had a decent Arathi Bassin on my Shaman against your Disc i believe it was you (can't recall exactly Wewewewe is your priest no ?) We had alot of decent games (WSG) aswell yesterday, against 3 surv / 2 boomkins / 1 rsham / 1 Disc from Outland, against Mvq, against Ondura aswell, i think you...
  13. EU+US Surv hunt clips for bants

    Well having pet on passive is actually a good thing, it's 1 target less for haunt's that will probably reset the CD and increase his damage meter from opponents lock in BG, it doesn't die randomly cuz it follow your last target like in the assist stance, you have a total control on who he is...
  14. EU Guilde (ßerzerker) twinks 19 Outland ally

    Do us a favor, learn to play with roar of sacrifice before claiming you are the best.
  15. EU+US Surv hunt clips for bants

    Are you guys taking him seriously ? I mean i've stopped since i've saw every pet's spells on auto...
  16. EU+US Surv hunt clips for bants

    Btw it's a 28 holy priest at 12 seconds not a Disc.
  17. EU Attention Good level 19's

    Even if he has 52 ilvl you should play him, not like a rogue is going to be a game breaker...
  18. EU I’m off on a adventure

    Draenor y'a encore des joueurs aussi Thai.
  19. EU European plebmades!

    Who's Ritaorairl ? That was a beautiful game :)
  20. EU Friday and Saturday Real ID / Plebmades

    Good luck with that :)