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  1. <EU Cata 19 Revival>

    Though this website was dead and no use, feel like was 10 years ago when i used this... Anyways queue up on sunday
  2. Best Puggers March 2022 (with a rating out of 10, and writeups!)

    @Nicozy the kind of thread i want you to write or a 2nd Doglist ahahaha
  3. What server has the most active 10-19 scene on alliance side EU?

    To be fair with you Zyrxa, Pyrewood is the best in terms of activity.
  4. Who streams 19s? you can watch my shit vods
  5. How do i get rep from Shartuuls event?

    The guy actually smashing his trinket on CD on EU...
  6. <Verums Guild> & <Verums Guild II> @ PyrewoodVillage EU

    I came to him all the way from africa and told me this : You’ve got to realize that the world’s a test, You can only do your best and let me do the rest. You’ve got your life, and got your health, So quit procrastinating and push it yourself.
  7. [EU] Best of 19 Twinks

    Cousinavi really ?
  8. Firemaw EU - Weekly Naxxramas

    I don't have any chars on that realm but is it possible to buy from you the enchants ? I want all of them, i will probably buy less when wotlk approach tho
  9. FREE - Arcanums on Skullflame Horde EU

    Oh ? If you farm some more tell me, i got some spare golds on your realm and i might need some others.
  10. Bracket Activity

    Ahahah i don't think so, we have our little routine that isn't compatible with the investment that this bracket need, and the reward is pretty low :(
  11. EU End of Classic Thread

    Great catch up of the classic era for me ty
  12. FREE - Arcanums on Skullflame Horde EU

    Can i transfer from PVP realm to PVE realm ?
  13. Bracket Activity

    EU i presume with your name, activity is pretty low because alliance is dominating. I know you are probably against it but we need Tough Love ahaha
  14. In-depth WSG Jump Guide

    Is this jump guide still updated for TBC twinks or some jumps got removed ?
  15. [EU] Best of 19 Twinks

    Druid: 1. Brzenk (can't even count how many games this guy carried horde) Rogue: Nicozy (probably soon Lejn) Priest: 1. Dondar (as arena or defensive healer), 2. Trice 3. Yayu Hunter: 1. Quackbesteu (mid pressure, keeping melees in combat / FC), 2. Tnakra (annoying to face, especially as...
  16. Trailblazer Boots / Grizzled Boots infos

    Thanks you really much my friend :) does this website work for every items and every xpac ? pretty good database ! oO I wasn't aware of this site.
  17. Trailblazer Boots / Grizzled Boots infos

    Hey everyone ! Quick question, does somebody remember the stats of Trailblazer Boots (same quest as Jutebraid Gloves) and Grizzled Boots (same quest as Steel Clapsed Bracers in Shadowfang Keep) during Cataclysm until Shadowland squish level (yeah the one that screwed us over...) ? Thanks you...
  18. [EU] Best of 19 Twinks

    Joking aside i still have an EU account if you wanna play with us, unfortunately i haven't grind TBC to boost you but i can help
  19. [EU] 19 Twink Hub

    Hey there, After a long hiatus, I've recently log on classic. I would like to know what's the main servers for twinking ? I used to play with TL players @Vianco / @Arkant / @Nicozy / @Ondura and stuff are they still playing ?