Search results

  1. EU horde - could any1 write to azumi in the community that I can't login in any way? both wow...

    EU horde - could any1 write to azumi in the community that I can't login in any way? both wow and bnet crashed hard. Thx
  2. When are we going to address the elephant in the 20-29 bracket?

    And here I thought we played horde exactly because we liked being the underdog and having much shorter queue. A shame that with 100% mounts you can't really pull off that easily that old horde tactic for the most epic wins: 1 speedpotter to carry far side, 2 stealthers to kill efc and rest of...
  3. Interesting Item thread (No flaming, only constructive replies please)

    I hope I can ask here because there are like 6 topic already about it but no1 actually fully expalins it and I think it could count as a " Interesting item". About the eng dragon trinket - can I craft loads of of them, put cogwheels with a 75 eng, and then send them to various alts with no...
  4. Ayamechan’s guide to pug bg disc

    It was interesting and good, but it didn't feel like a disci guide but more a generic healer guide. To be honest I expected some thoughs about the pvp talents, how they change the playstyle, how viable they are and which (or wich? I swear I never understood) synergy they have with other...
  5. So. How we feel about shadow priest?

    I would really appreciate if could test it when you have time. Would save me (and I think others as well) quite some time
  6. So. How we feel about shadow priest?

    Yes like those - didn't think about that because cba soloing brd with a priest. Just learned about a meta gem that works on a resto shaman, should do the same on Spriest. I would like to know how the scholomance trinket works for...
  7. So. How we feel about shadow priest? I consider cloth classes among the easiest to gear (the only dungeon drop you need are the pants, all other socket gear you can get from quests, for...
  8. Patch 9.0.5 Findings

    the ilvl 25 one is 68 speed outside bgs some changes to secondaries (and a few on primaries) on a few items, I'll just post one ring for example: -1 stam +1 or 2 vers. mostly rings, pants, cloak, rest seems unchanged.
  9. Revive Horde EU

    I would like to add to your post: this is destabilizing queue times too (rerolled ally at the beginning after seeing 2 min costant q, geared 1 of every class with socket quest items, now rerolling horde after the steep change in q times in favor of horde, but given the situation I'm probably...
  10. It's a bird, it's a plane

    Hunter: NOT Elunan/ Cristallina Rogue: Xaviness rogue Warrior: NOT Saltovivo Warlock: Xaviness warlock Druid: Xaviness druid Shaman: Corporal Mage: NOT Lunaii Paladin: Mooraine Priest: NOT lacien Italians do it better so my best italian player list own all the others...
  11. is it me

    This again? Didn't I explained it already on masara topic last year? xD And more important, every1 keep talking about 24, but no one ever mentiton the less-than-1,4khp players... Guess why Please buy a bracelet...
  12. Arathi Basin CTA 3/9/13

    I should have an exam in those days, but I'm still not sure If I'm going for it, if not you can count me in.
  13. F2P Arena Skype Group

    Billy is interested, even if he sux in arena. Contacted you on skype!
  14. Laughing Skull (Horde) looking for friendly people!

    Swag yo I'm taking a break for a while, have fun!
  15. Questions & Answers

    Hi! I have a question about the cataclysm 10 days trial (or MoP 10 days trial if you have cata): your lvl 80 (or 85) will be in Xp off or Xp on bgs? thx.
  16. Laughing Skull (Horde) looking for friendly people!

    Exam session is over and Saltovivo @ Laughing Skull - Comunità - World of Warcraft is officially back! :) It's MORTAL STRIKE time.
  17. Most skilled players of each Class 5.2 [EU]

    Hunter: Rexhd and Elis (that female space goat cuz she is the only I remeber from those 3-4 ally hunters that could beat me 1v1 back in the days) Priest: Balakin or something like that (he was the other undead priest always 1 step before me on skill and gear, you must remeber him). Rogue...
  18. Billy is out, take care Eu boys!

    I just regret that in this way that darn space goat Billymays win the "last Billy standing race" but hey, he deserves it:) I should mention a lot of people for this incredible fun lasted almost 1 year and an half now, but they know without making their names how much I thank them, so I won't...
  19. At Last, Arathi Basin Victory in 5.05!

    First thing: never trust the Space goat Billy, Never!^^ Second and last thing: Alpha > world. Just because he played all cataclysm as warrior in a hunter world with normally half horde teams having less than 800 hp. - "Billy, don't stop healing ppl in the middle, or I have to stop too...
  20. Well, that's enough from me

    Wait, there are russians from russian realms, and russians from Eu realms (I remeber one from stormscale)