Search results

  1. Ado

    What class to pick for my Undead (Veteran)?

    make a shadow priest, they're the highest dps in the bracket and are very tank with vampiric embrace and dispersion
  2. Ado

    (29) hunter needs some guidance

    I don't think 1 vers = 0.5 agi, for every class i've played its more like 1.3 vers = 0.5 agi. Just a headsup because for a long time i thought that was the case.
  3. Ado

    US Horde

    is this on eu or us? because there are a fuck ton of horde's queueing on EU atm.
  4. Ado

    Fury Warrior 8.1

    once you gear your character, make two gear sets, each one having different weapons with crusader on them. Put the gear sets on your action bar and weapon swap when you get crusader procs, this is the optimal way to play fury
  5. Ado

    EU+US Feral flat +7% damage buff...

    Feral is bootleg boomkin but it's still a bootleg of a god tier spec
  6. Ado

    Why are the horde 29s so scared of 20 lvl F2Ps?

    stop leaving bgs and maybe you'll find out why
  7. Ado

    Class to choose?

    Depends on what you mean by bad dmg, if its effective damage you're talking about then yeah i agree, but you can pad your damage numbers pretty damn well
  8. Ado

    Cloak of Rot?

    could sell it for like 1mil+ on ravencrest
  9. Ado

    Class to choose?

    if you want to play a tank play guardian druid, they deal an insane amount of damage for being a tank
  10. Ado

    Most Fun Melee Classes?

    a feral druid with moonfire+ele force will easily outdps an outlaw in a close game what are you talking about lol
  11. Ado

    EU A little initiative

    Bring back mop twinking wod was also fun as fuck that may be because I mained a feral/rogue back then though.
  12. Ado

    Most Fun Melee Classes?

    For me, it is the feral druid, the most fun melee in 29s
  13. Ado

    EU+US 20-29 Bracket - Your Real Age! (If you dare)

    i am 12 year
  14. Ado

    News Vote for XPOFF's Most Valuable Player!

    @Dethtic noob
  15. Ado

    Class to choose?

    just go tauren instead of night elf. Not as good but still fun I think. Its true that hunters dont have the same heal as hybrids but if you pop talisman/defending champion with neck heal and exhiliration you could heal for like 1k+. Tank pets also have a 20% dmg reduction cd every 3 minutes...
  16. Ado

    Class to choose?

    Hunter is the most fun class imo, try Survival with dual wield. It's also top tier. If you wanna play something not fotm but still fun should try feral, the bites and dots hit for a lot and the mobility is great. Rake stun is also very good esp with shadowmeld.
  17. Ado

    EU+US twink budget

    the easiest class to gear is a fury warrior/ret paladin, all the gold you use will be on enchants and that's about it (most importantly crusader).
  18. Ado

    Level 29 Midnight Mace?

    I've been looking at the blues that drop from the chests in desolace/feralas and I saw that midnight mace offered 11 agility at level 33. I'm not sure if it scales down but the underwood ring scales down so I was wondering if the mace actually did. The lowest level version I've seen of it is...
  19. Ado

    29 Feral Bis weapon?

    Gnarled Ash Staff with 9 agi 6 stam 16 vers is very good. But the blue bg loot is good too.
  20. Ado

    EU New 39 Guild - wanG ganG Ravencrest

    This is a good guild