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  1. Katsudon

    About These Queue Times...

    I honestly don’t know about you but I got a life and things to do. I’ll put this in perspective I can put away 3-4 hours in a week to dedicate that to playing wow and twinking. Before I only waited 5-7 minutes a pop for ques and games would be 10-15 mins we can average that and say 20 mins per...
  2. Katsudon

    About These Queue Times...

    How can you even “play better” when there aren’t even ques happening?
  3. Katsudon

    About These Queue Times...

    Agree with this 100% the twinks who favor these changes don’t understand what motivates normal twink players. If you favor these changes with separate ques please speak up in these forums and give me the reason why. Wargames were happening and the competitive scene was occurring, so I don’t...
  4. Katsudon

    US F2p/vet wargame saturday 11th

    I told neon to do this in his thread apologizing for not producing f2p games but I was met with hate and criticism by him. I hope this event does well and have no ill intent but when the op says mixing vets and f2p is gonna be a “shitfest” a week ago you gotta question why he’s doing it...
  5. Katsudon

    Almðnd-zuhuled Exploiting BGS

    Man this motivates me i’m gonna resub! Catch me in some games later in the week quad crusader swap here I come!
  6. Katsudon

    Almðnd-zuhuled Exploiting BGS

    Inb4 everyone makes 29’s to counter other 29’s exploiting the ques. Turning the bracket into pure 29’s lmao
  7. Katsudon

    Almðnd-zuhuled Exploiting BGS

    Yup like I said months ago maybe in December or January? I distinctly remember you harassing 29’s with your macro in Orgimmar and dueling them while bragging about your win record. But almond did beat you nonetheless.
  8. Katsudon

    Almðnd-zuhuled Exploiting BGS

    Makes sense. But I saw what I saw a couple of months ago you lost against almond sure you may have not been wearing full gear but a win is a win. No one cares if you scores 115 but still lose.
  9. Katsudon

    Almðnd-zuhuled Exploiting BGS

    I’m not salty I’ve already had this dead beat convo 5 different way. The difference between me and you is our definition of twinking. I personally think it’s okay to max out a char and use consumables as the game allows it exploits are a grey area but a lot consumables are pretty black and...
  10. Katsudon

    Almðnd-zuhuled Exploiting BGS

    Ahh yes the classic f2p/vet(handicaps) argument against the big bad 29’s. After being on this site for a couple months I’ve had the same argument over and over again with the same group of people trying to justify 29’s, but they all think the same. To sum it up if you’re arguing for 29’s who...
  11. Katsudon

    Almðnd-zuhuled Exploiting BGS

    Gotcha thanks for the clarification
  12. Katsudon

    Almðnd-zuhuled Exploiting BGS

    Are we all gonna just look past the 275 speed pots light has? Or 281 goblin gliders? That’s a lot of crutching for a baddie r/hmmmmmmm
  13. Katsudon

    US F2p/vet wargame saturday 11th

    I’m just saying what you said :)
  14. Katsudon

    US F2p/vet wargame saturday 11th

    Wouldn’t this be a complete shitfest tainted by filth though?
  15. Katsudon

    US F2p/vet wargame saturday 11th

    Good luck Op
  16. Katsudon

    US event cancelled

    Agreed not only is he ignorant but he’s also a snitch...
  17. Katsudon

    US event cancelled

    Not being able to produce the event without using resources like discord is the most disappointing thing I’ve read in a while.
  18. Katsudon

    US event cancelled

    Chill Ryan no need to cuss
  19. Katsudon

    US event cancelled

    It’s a better idea to have an event as the head organizer to go through rather than disappoint a lot of people. I’m pretty sure you could’ve filled 10 average’d gear vets and ban crusader swapping and the event would’ve gone perfectly fine.
  20. Katsudon

    US event cancelled

    F2p’s don’t like competitive games. You should’ve integrated half vets and half f2p’s to get enough people to play. Nice attempt Op to make f2p’s competitive it’s a shame not enough people wanted that environment in the community.