Search results

  1. Mrcer

    time taken to level inscription from 1-600?

    LennywBoreanTundra yeah they sell. Random greens I put up for a few hundred gold. a lot of it doesn't sell. But when it does sell. Exactly how much effort did you put in to get that gold? Stealing gold for lvl 10-20 greens. gg
  2. Mrcer

    Oh boy not Again

    What rude comments were made? Lets just get along.
  3. Mrcer


    cant glider with flag
  4. Mrcer

    Oh boy not Again

    nice b8 m8 i r8 8/8
  5. Mrcer

    Gurubashi Arena And DMF Death Match EXPLOIT

    You should make a ticket and ask a GM. or ask via live chat.
  6. Mrcer

    Questions & Answers

    I've seen gloom go for as high as 150k