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  1. EU+US All relevant info to 20s for the Special Evennt :Alterac Valley

    The weapon is darn good for 119, still doesn't beat originals if they get sockets, warforge, and tertiary stats(kinda).
  2. 70 Twink Raiding Guild

    Sorry that this is a little off topic but I just wanted to give a quick reminder that the time-walking this week drops some really good gems for quick gearing if people want to stock them up, but you do need to be around 71/72 i believe to queue up for them.
  3. EU+US Weps for 111 twinking

    First of all, what activity do you intend to engage in with this character?
  4. Patch 8.3 PTR - Build 32272

    For a second I thought they were bringing back Resistances until I realized it was probably something different :(.
  5. EU+US Veteran or 120 scaled?

    I would imagine that is just the way they designed it, since it is simply a stat template. Remember, quite a few things that it seems probably shouldn't have been allowed or existed got through the wood works so it likely isn't impossible that they didn't put a great amount of detail into each...
  6. party sync in 111-119

    I think I have an idea of what is happening, I would still have to test it, but I am definitely not gonna say it openly cause I am pretty darn sure it is why.
  7. Gentlemen, it has been a privelege playing with you tonight!

    Yeah not sure why your not using 120s party scale to 119s, they are pretty darn powerful last I checked comparable or stronger than a full timewarped warforged 119 twink with some anniversary gear.
  8. party sync in 111-119

    if you want to be OP in this bracket I would cash in soon, according to that thread the template is insanely messed up in favor of the 120s. Edit: I can tell you from fighting in the bracket now that yes 120s definitely have a leg up consistently doing high dmg and they seem to have around or...
  9. Is 120 twinking valid now?

    That would be my definition of fixing it lol. That would be so chaotic, crazy, and downright fun!
  10. DH looking for party sync friends

    I am not sure, but even if it doesn't it wouldn't take much to create a new DH for use again.
  11. Is 120 twinking valid now?

    Nah it really doesn't work at all. The only thing that works are non enchanted or gemmed heirlooms neck trinkets and weapons as such. The moment you add a gem or enchant to it is disabled. Engineering, last I checked, is disabled(could have been changed). Also, almost every consumable works...
  12. DH looking for party sync friends

    It is pretty dang fun. I prefer Vengeance over Havoc tho. Having an alt account really helps.
  13. Is 120 twinking valid now?

    Its decent with the few possible advantages you can have, but unless they lighten up on the restrictions a little bit I dont believe it will ever be fully plausible.
  14. EU+US 8.2.5 testing and discussion

    it probably no doubt puts you into xpoff queue. Let me also tell you, everything was NOT disabled or completely locked in. Some do work, and can provide a decent unique advantage even with the static gear. Just keep looking around a bit. Of course, if everyone geared up while leveling it...
  15. How to que bg's wtih out dinging

    Hopefully there will be another legit choice soon, if PTR turns to work out well for queuing, but thats just the best case scenario where we if we can actually use stuff of that level and what not.
  16. EU+US "Replay" quests patch 8.2.5

    I have not logged on yet, party sync works even without a max character right? ooo wouldn't epic be the better one to proc to?
  17. EU+US "Replay" quests patch 8.2.5

    Which legendaries are working? From all expansions?
  18. EU+US "Replay" quests patch 8.2.5

    I don't think PvP queuing is enabled right now, cause the annoucement said it would be enabled later.
  19. EU+US "Replay" quests patch 8.2.5

    Well indeed, I imagine it is simply to play with friends with higher levels, they are probably gonna try to prevent people from "gaming" the system.