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  1. Spw

    EU 70's Sundays

    Feel free to add me for some queues togheter both sides Theory#2243
  2. Spw

    LF mount hyjal boost alliance Eu theory#2243 can trade back

    LF mount hyjal boost alliance Eu theory#2243 can trade back
  3. Spw

    EU+US 70-79 Battletag list

    theory#2243 Eu region both sides , add for trade boost and some pvp queues <3 lvl 70 Talnivarr
  4. Spw

    LF +15 key alt on alliance , can boost your alt on horde EU tho

    LF +15 key alt on alliance , can boost your alt on horde EU tho
  5. Spw

    do AV procc often at 20 bracket

    do AV procc often at 20 bracket
  6. Spw

    EU+US Whats up with 70's?

    P.S out of thread . LF Mage / MM hunt for some fun to play arenas @ horde EU 70 theory#2243
  7. Spw

    wts nickname "Okey" on stormscale 150k /w

    wts nickname "Okey" on stormscale 150k /w
  8. Spw

    djfarmex why ya pussy out?

    djfarmex why ya pussy out?
  9. Spw

    black magic still proccs in bgs?

    black magic still proccs in bgs?
  10. Spw

    LF gold trade from stormscale to tarren mill "EU"

    LF gold trade from stormscale to tarren mill "EU"
  11. Spw

    Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    LF arena partner @ horde side Eu theory#2243 ps im rog
  12. Spw

    LF arena partner @ 70 EU horde theory#2243

    LF arena partner @ 70 EU horde theory#2243
  13. Spw

    EU Ravencrest Twinks

    guildless horde that seek 70's feel free to join on talnivarr ;) #BestRecruitmentMessage
  14. Spw

    Everyday chat thread, Posts with pictures.

    LF boosts trade on alliance and horde side @ theory#2243
  15. Spw

    EU 80s still a thing?

    there's a guild on stormscale that i see from time to time on 80's "Dont nerf mage " something like that , as far i know they raid on thursdays start time depends 17-00 sometimes 18:**
  16. Spw

    EU+US Rogue Pvp Movie!

    well i spend around 2 hours on daily bases in durotar all alone man where's all 70 horde :( Feels like garrison with full 19-29 lvl twinks as pets running around ;D
  17. Spw

    EU+US Rogue Pvp Movie!

    nice video and welcome to bracket ;)
  18. Spw

    EU+US <Set Back> Guild Recruitement

    come to talnivarr on alliance side let my hordie gank ya boys !
  19. Spw

    EU+US Starting a 70

    disc is da specc to stick with if you aim choose to play on priest gonna deal way more damage than a shadow
  20. Spw

    EU+US Starting a 70

    Dots ticks for 150 , takes ages to get into voidform if u go for twist of fate talent instead of SWV and etc