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  1. Yung Flurry

    On the topic of engineering nerfs

    What are some good engineering items to pick up at 1-300? Are the cloth helms good even for plate users?
  2. Yung Flurry

    Engineering no more :/

    nice bro now resto druids will be even more fucking absurd :)
  3. Yung Flurry

    EU+US It's a very sad day.

    Please just for the love of god scale down the engi items i fucking hate running around with a lot of heirloom shit, even AGM is gone so you're basically forced to use the wank heirloom trinkets
  4. Yung Flurry

    Resto druid is the new survival hunter

    Engi nerf is just gonna hit others harder lol their dots + enchants will rape even harder if we lose 1k hp. Not to mention their heal will basically stay the same
  5. Yung Flurry

    Resto druid is the new survival hunter

    Arcane mage is pretty fucking lit aswell tbh the arcane missile spam is meme worthy
  6. Yung Flurry

    Resto druid is the new survival hunter

    Idk, all i know is that resto druid are doing 60k+ damage a BG while healing aswell :^) probs moonfire proccing satyr/ele force
  7. Yung Flurry

    Resto druid is the new survival hunter

    ^ :)
  8. Yung Flurry

    US Servers are up and so is engineering.

    Doubt it theres too much shit going on in different areas :p
  9. Yung Flurry

    US Servers are up and so is engineering.

    What are stats on goggles anyways? not scaled down?
  10. Yung Flurry

    servers r up

    none of you niggas better snitch so us EU plebs cant get some joy of op engineering
  11. Yung Flurry

    Frostdeep Minnow

    WTB Frostdeep minnow 3k each, I can only pay on Karazhan EU however. Found 260k on a server i don't play on and i got no clue what to use it on, so hopefully this is feasable. I already got sea turtle basically only going for riding.
  12. Yung Flurry

    EU+US BFA prep and last minute actions

    Why 150-300? I only grabbed like 200 cobalt bars and saronite, should i bring more?
  13. Yung Flurry

    EU+US Reminder to get 525 fishing before BfA.

    Fuck getting that nat pagle bloke to best friend status for this shit
  14. Yung Flurry

    US Legion 'Best of' list

    who is superior at clicking their 3 buttons
  15. Yung Flurry

    Anyone need furbolg boost? (EU)

    Added you at Budaerdejlig#2184 ^^ We can go sometime maybe ;p
  16. Yung Flurry

    Anyone need furbolg boost? (EU)

    Horde or ally? If you can boost on horde sure!
  17. Yung Flurry

    BIS for arms

    Yeah didnt see that my bad
  18. Yung Flurry

    EU Dungeon running

    If anyone wants to join for gear or whatever, ill be queing up for Blood furnance, ramparts and BRD Upper city, im a tank so the queues are kinda fast. A good healer wouldnt be too bad so i can pull a lot ^^ If there's anything you need in another place we can negotiate running that place...
  19. Yung Flurry

    BIS for arms

    BG Gear: Buy ilvl 87 stuff from AH, get 2x gnomish lightning generators, ilvl 183 goggles.
  20. Yung Flurry

    EU+US 59's Armory and Community Lists I play either Unholy or frost mostly, so you can add me under either or if you'd like. Currently gearing. Also you should do an updated gearing guide for 59s seeing as you cant get zang quest gear and all that jazz anymore