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  1. Yung Flurry

    BiS trinket at 39?

    Made myself and it's quite nice, probably gonna use it along with defending champion, good amounts of vers and stam.
  2. Yung Flurry

    BiS trinket at 39?

    Idk if it's worth using Flashing vs heirloom one (13 stam 8 vers) since the on-use only gives a mere 10 agi. I'm gonna have to farm scholo for searing i guess :p
  3. Yung Flurry

    BiS trinket at 39?

    Bummer, oh well.
  4. Yung Flurry

    BiS trinket at 39?

    All the trinkets i can come up with require northrend/outland engineering (Ones that are actually useful in combat). I got the trinket for Scarlet Monastery with an on use, it only gives 10 tho. Should i get the one from Scholo instead? The proc gives 25.
  5. Yung Flurry

    BiS trinket at 39?

    Since the 75% trinket nerf in BGs, what trinkets do you run now? Just stat sticks? I was about to make but I realized that trinkets got nerfed :/
  6. Yung Flurry

    honest opinion of bfa so far

    people thinking rogues is the issue when resto druids are literally topping healing and damage numbers while being the best flag carriers... hm
  7. Yung Flurry

    Thinking about making a 39 twink..

    Ah i see now, well damn that's awful hahaha
  8. Yung Flurry

    Thinking about making a 39 twink..

    It says 18-23 like the other mace, tho? Unless there's im missing
  9. Yung Flurry

    Thinking about making a 39 twink..

    Luckily i'm horde and i just got the mace, but thanks anyhow. I do think Cudgel is decent aswell considering they're in the same damage range (18-23)
  10. Yung Flurry

    Thinking about making a 39 twink..

    @Sun Is the 3.6 speed mace really better tho? It literally has 1 max damage more on the ilvl 44 axe?
  11. Yung Flurry

    Thinking about making a 39 twink..

    @Sun Oh shit didnt see that weapon speed, gonna go get it real quick. Throw me an add at Budaersej#2184 and we'll do some stuff together :)
  12. Yung Flurry

    Thinking about making a 39 twink.. Progress so far, still need to get those agi trinkets and such. If anyone wants to help me with some runs ill make sure to return the favor! EU horde :) Also curious, dropping 12 agi for 16 vers and a bit of a stam with the engi goggle...
  13. Yung Flurry

    Thinking about making a 39 twink..

    So would i be fine rolling a shaman? Either as Elemental or Enhancement.
  14. Yung Flurry

    Thinking about making a 39 twink..

    Thanks bro, also for epic BoEs should i just try and snipe AH? I can't reliably farm them myself im assuming.
  15. Yung Flurry

    Thinking about making a 39 twink..

    Are Is the hat/lens still BiS at 39?
  16. Yung Flurry

    Defending Champion question

    I tried looting it on a 110 since the achievement is account wide, and i didnt get it. I'll try to loot it on my level 12 (if i can ever fucking get it lmao) and see what happens
  17. Yung Flurry

    Defending Champion question

    I got the AGM trinket on a level 12 character of mine, but i don't have defending champion, my question is will i get it if i loot another chest? And it's account bound right?
  18. Yung Flurry

    Thinking about making a 39 twink..

    Sweet man you got some lovely 39s, i might look at your shaman for some inspiration.
  19. Yung Flurry

    Thinking about making a 39 twink..

    What is the fotm? Im thinking about making an enchancement shaman, also what would BiS look like these days? Thanks in advance! Feel free to throw down any tips that could benefit me and the readers aswell :)
  20. Yung Flurry

    On the topic of engineering nerfs

    Fairly sure lens can proc other than int but it's very rare. Might look into it