Should i use elemental force or crusader for prot paladin dps, does crusader proc enough since pally abilities aren't all melee or does that not effect the proc? any other suggestions would be cool too.
What enchant should i use for veteran warrior on my boots, so far i've stacked up on strength and versatility, a link to the enchant would be nice. I'll mainly play as arms.
If that's the case then the vet funding obviously wasn't the intention of the thread, which is what you're using to justify the other part of the thread
That's the whole reason why I posted my first post, to say that there are already plenty of threads about vet and f2p to post in, you don't need a new thread every time your mood swings
i'll cool it down when you consider that the first part of this thread completely contradicts your last thread about "vet sellouts" or whatever you called it.