Search results

  1. GossipGirlxoxo

    get rid of ad -sense. It's ruining my experience with the website.

    get rid of ad -sense. It's ruining my experience with the website.
  2. GossipGirlxoxo

    Holy crap, so much silly censoring going on...

    Holy crap, so much silly censoring going on...
  3. GossipGirlxoxo

    XPOff & TI Merge

    I keep getting censored. Rudeee
  4. GossipGirlxoxo

    XPOff & TI Merge

    can we stop censoring of twïink.. Like dang.
  5. GossipGirlxoxo

    stop censoring twïïnk...

    stop censoring twïïnk...
  6. GossipGirlxoxo

    EU+US Black defias boots

    good luck twwink :)
  7. GossipGirlxoxo

    EU Most active eu 19 tink server?

    Draenor from what I've heard..
  8. GossipGirlxoxo

    EU+US Tinks - Show Me Your UI!

    some cool ui everyone :)
  9. GossipGirlxoxo

    EU+US Allstar team?

    I agree with this list, though I'd say Roula for fc. Otherwise, awesome list :)
  10. GossipGirlxoxo

    US Hello US Tinkers

    Good Luck stubs! Hope someone helps ya out, you're a good twwink! :)
  11. GossipGirlxoxo

    EU+US The NWL S3: Community Discussion

    Isn't this season supposed to seed into the twwink cup? If so, it shouldn't be arena for s3.
  12. GossipGirlxoxo

    EU+US 19 Rated Lounge

    The arena ladder is a cool concept, but doesn't give chance for people to play whatever they want. They can only queue the strongest comp to think of even getting high on the ladder.
  13. GossipGirlxoxo

    Favorite Part of

    There, fixed it for ya :)
  14. GossipGirlxoxo


    R.i.p, was really looking forward to the games :(
  15. GossipGirlxoxo

    Favorite Part of

    Censoring twink.. oh wait, I don't like that they censor twink. Probably the logo to be honest, it looks really cool. Community is also really nice so far.
  16. GossipGirlxoxo

    US RIP Apnea

    Awe that sucks Apnea. Don't really know you, but good luck! I'm sure you'll bounce back in no time :)
  17. GossipGirlxoxo


    Good Luck to Wildcard and Hey Im Average! I'm sure it'll be a great series :)
  18. GossipGirlxoxo

    US Giveaway

    Camo such a kind tink
  19. GossipGirlxoxo

    US Loveshack 1

    Cool vid loveshack :D
  20. GossipGirlxoxo

    US Conq's Email Hacked

    Nicely done muskie.