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  1. Xoxaan

    EU+US 99 Demon Hunter

    GRATS! its a pia, but doable. Good call on the trinky. Do you happen to recall the exp that guy gives?
  2. Xoxaan

    EU+US 99 Demon Hunter

    They are highlighted for the war quest with the objective bar. You can fill that bar with any kill or object you can touch like rallying soldiers and clicking those green legion diamond. I know for a fact the only rare (silver dragon) we killed was the spider.
  3. Xoxaan

    EU+US 99 Demon Hunter

    The count and the general are not required for progression and give around 12k exp each.
  4. Xoxaan

    EU+US 99 Demon Hunter

    You don't have to kill any rares to complete it. Only some elites. The rares give around 5-12k exp per. Try skipping them all or just kill one and see if you can do it. I calculated you can have at most around 20k exp left before hitting 100 if you only kill the spider rare. MY buddy hit 100...
  5. Xoxaan

    EU+US 99 Demon Hunter

    how many rares did you kill?
  6. Xoxaan

    EU+US 99 Demon Hunter

    It's still possible horde side. My buddy and I just did it. No special grouping or anything. Only kill the first 15 mobs you need for the first quest. Also, only kill stuff others have tagged. You can get between 50-200 exp per mob if you go that route. You can then kill 2-3 rares total for the...