Search results

  1. Weapon damage vs secondary stats

    What is TW ilvl reduced to on the PTR?
  2. Forgotten Creation mob not scaled to 11. Advice needed.

    Gotta do the campaign on a higher lvl character
  3. 10s Armory List

    10 fury warrior and 10 destro lock. Teddybram: Bomboblast:
  4. Lvl 1 twink items - ilvl 10 blues

    I’ve farmed a couple of ilvl 10 pieces. Strength weapons, agility weapons, other different armor pieces. I can see on the AH that the prices are nuts for these items, but if someone is genuinely interested in the 1-9 bracket and needs the last slot filled, I’m willing to sell for cheaper...
  5. The War Within 10s & 11s Armory

    Destro Lock lvl 10 Still need bis wrist and helmet from MoP TW 3,5k chaos bolts
  6. MW Monk - Weapon Dmg or Int?

    Int 100%
  7. Balefire Branch

    The iskaari boat worked, thx dude
  8. Balefire Branch

    Hey, Ive just made my first intellect character but dont know how to reach kul tiras for the balefire trinket. I tried doing the BFA story but im pretty sure i need war campaign to actually get the boat going. Any ideas?
  9. Need 2 socket rings

    Any dungeons right now (other than NW and Boralus) that drops ring where the socket setting would work?
  10. Need 2 socket rings

    Thx dude
  11. Need 2 socket rings

    Are there any rings available like the Necrotic Wake double socket rings? I did get em when they were available on my warrior, but I’ve started a new project and can’t find the answer anywhere Thx
  12. 10s Armory List

    Lvl 10 warrior full bis
  13. Rings with 2 sockets

    Ah okay, how do i see the current M+ pool? Ima go farm the other two shadowlands rings with crit/haste and just keep em in my bag for the future
  14. Rings with 2 sockets

    Does the jeweler settings only work on necrotic wake rings? or is avaibble for all SL rings?
  15. Any EU guilds/forums?

    LF guild or forums i can join, link me
  16. Lvl 10 flying

    If you have done the DF campaign, adventure mode automatically unlocks on all alts created. You do need a higher lvl alt to do the campaign tho. Steady flight style isnt possible sadly, but dragonriding is still useful, especially since i got a new account with no flightspots. i can still fly...
  17. Lvl 10 flying

    why haven’t I seen anybody talk about being able to fly as a lvl 10 when unlocking DF adventure mode? It works in all zones and timelines
  18. The War Within 10s & 11s Armory

    Lvl 10 fury warrior. Still in process with 4 pieces to go, so soon there:D
  19. Adventure mode confuses. Help me

    So I just came back after many years, with a brand new account aswell. I ofc made a return with a twink project. Since the 20 bracket is pretty much muerto, I decided to make a lvl 10 scaling overlord for PVE. I need to get my hands on amnesia, but as far as I understand, I need to have...
  20. Enchant glitch EU silvermoon, URGENT!

    Dude ADD me right now, lets do it So Can you do it bro?