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  1. Ziod

    29 premades in veteran and f2p bracket

    git gud
  2. Ziod

    EU+US Choose my 29 twink Class.

    Heard brewmaster monk was good dude, should try it out.
  3. Ziod

    a very interesting map

    #1 noob country, yes america is :)) go sex your cousins u big noob :^))
  4. Ziod

    a very interesting map

    Country might be rich but your citizens aint, some of your cities out here beginning to look like african slumps :D
  5. Ziod

    a very interesting map

    Low living standards, but atleast you have a great military. Us Europeans are happy to have you as our guard dog :) Cheers pal.
  6. Ziod

    a very interesting map

    Bigger chance of russia bending America than EU and putting it in the ass, they'll just wait for you guys to drive yourself into the ground. (Ill give it 8 years)
  7. Ziod

    EU Just wondering..ele shaman 20

    Lvl 20 eles dont have knockback unlocked so theres really nothing good about it. If you want to cast 40 lightning bolts that do 120 damage each just to pew people with earthshock for 380 dmg once, then lvl 20 ele is the spec for you.
  8. Ziod

    a very interesting map

    Sixth time?.. What?... Oh yeah NA education, forgot lol mb. Maybe you should focus on fixing your 3rd world country instead of talking about wars that happened many decades ago :D Also... Only part of me that isnt whiter than you is my dick (which is kinda fucked up) but your nan seems to...
  9. Ziod

    a very interesting map

    America #1 3rd world country
  10. Ziod

    EU [TCG PRIZE] Rogue Dueling Tournament

    Really about to level a rogue to 70 for this
  11. Ziod

    What is the highest level dungeon or raid for obtaining 19 transmog gear?

    Its the lvl 60 pvp gear you unlock as a cosmetic version by reaching 1800 rating in Rated BGs with the class. Its pretty cool because because players under level 60 can tmog it too now. Got the mage set tmog'd on my lvl 49 (Not a twink)...
  12. Ziod

    EU+US Level 70 BFA RBG Season 1 has started

    Oh i just searched up my name and didnt find anything, it was 29 btw. Not 70 ^^
  13. Ziod

    EU+US Level 70 BFA RBG Season 1 has started

    Used eliteguild in mop but my characters are gone, yikers
  14. Ziod

    First 2200 this season, rank 1 29 bracket & all brackets EZ Clap

    sec finding my 3400 rating pic from mop :D
  15. Ziod

    Resto Sham 29 Gear list
  16. Ziod

    EU Class Tiers for 20-29 ?

    Just came back from a break since MoP/Early WoD and this is my opinion on specs right now. For healers, Resto Shaman and Discipline Priest is the best, Mistweaver Monk and Resto Druid works fine too. For DPS, Fury Warrior, Balance Druid, Outlaw Rogue, Shadow Priest, Arcane mage. Im yet to do...
  17. Ziod

    Rate my 29 Arms Warrior and his mog

    Crit enchant on cloak instead of versa would do work, and maybe one on the ring too. =) Heres mine
  18. Ziod

    Is Stormscale where its at?

    Come stormscale Alliance, thats where all the pros are! (Me) :^)
  19. Ziod

    Christmas greetings from Holymessia & Nodoka

    Merry christmas Nodoka and Holymessia <3