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  1. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    If you did some research I believe there was a list, most RP realms are on their own, and going to russian and german servers are also different phases, on US there are about 12 different phases, on EU I'd assume there would be more.
  2. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    Still waiting for more serious questions to answer
  3. Backup / updates / requests

    F's in the chat for all the TC progression chat in the last month on rules, time to re talk about it again
  4. US WSG Compositions, what are your thoughts? [TC19]

    I would def not prefer slower games, but it's your call boss, log on 1 day on a weekend and we'll get you in the plebmades so you can actually feel the meta out. Until then def don't think slowing the meta down is the right call, very slow atm.
  5. US WSG Compositions, what are your thoughts? [TC19]

    Low key we should have novelty games where we see only off specs played, holy guardain feral fire beastmastery WW enh, that would be some quality
  6. EU+US An informed opinion has never been more valuable.

    Aee, if conq bans for opinions then thats against the freedom of speech act of 1782, which clearly shows he hates the government.
  7. EU+US An informed opinion has never been more valuable.

    And now we wait for conq to find your ip, even tho you're prob using a vpn and ban you again
  8. EU+US An informed opinion has never been more valuable.

    Conqs reign of terror is strong, banning left and right, seems good
  9. US WSG Compositions, what are your thoughts? [TC19]

    Variety of specs maybe, but variety of counter comps will not occur if you limit the specs and classes If you want differentiation between top end teams and a lower team, its is clear what is needed, limit healers. Healers are clearly extremely op compared to any other dps class, I don't think...
  10. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    You are the only class that can land cc without consequences. You are in stealth, and you can be anywhere and everywhere to cc someone for 8 seconds. So, how do you use this to your advantage, you think far ahead, alot like an FC, you have to position 3 minutes ahead, you have to know what they...
  11. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    I'm hoping to get the mvq mainteam bench, hopefully you can join
  12. US WSG Compositions, what are your thoughts? [TC19]

    It does not matter what rules are placed because the result will lead to everyone still playing 1 comp, limiting the rules more means only 1 comp will end up being viable, more open means more comps, its completely up to you guys
  13. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    Wasn't supposed to be clever, but obvious. Just read it twice next time.
  14. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    Someone missed the joke and play on wording.
  15. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    For me, my drive to play in any twink cup, is to face pizza, he wasn't around in legion so I didn't care, I had no intention of playing for GSC until he was offered a spot on LSN, pizza has been the rival since cata, if you played alliance you would know the gy farming and the struggles teams...
  16. US TC 2019: Which works best for you?

    At any sub decent time so I don't have to stay up all night to watch
  17. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    I would like to know what team you are referring to. People do it mainly for the fun of it, the googles are quite strong.
  18. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    Warrior has always been in a weaker spot than most other classes in pugs, if your team doesn't have a strong healing line up most of the time you being middle means you are dead, so this means you have 1 other option, the classic randylayhee option. This is where you play D or deep O, playing...
  19. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    I don't even like hunter anymore, outside premades hunter has been shit for a very long time at least in the twink community, if you look at endgame hunter isn't even in the top 100 on any region, its in a very bad spot. They completely ruined enjoyable specs over and over again trying to make...
  20. EU+US Once again another year where I offer help

    Be like everyone else, play rsham, shits op