Search results

  1. Kí Drakkari

    F2P A Starter in Draenor - Obtainable things list

    I don't remember loot this toy but i have it now
  2. Kí Drakkari

    US Hello... or ?

    Ufff, good luck in your new life :')
  3. Kí Drakkari

    F2P A Starter in Draenor - Obtainable things list

    Pet from Nagrad confirmed From Pugg
  4. Kí Drakkari

    US Top 5 Best / Top 5 Worst Players in the bracket

    Sepa la chingada quien sea loco
  5. Kí Drakkari

    The Underrated Jajas

    Oh si tu eres ese druida, olvide tu nombre si te he visto eres muy bueno
  6. Kí Drakkari

    The Underrated Jajas

    Sin duda Duo es de los mejores, Tambien esta Attawalpa, Akame, Glory, de quelthalas, Devocion de Ragnaros, Skkorge ,Minotaurius, Andriae y Titoarielpk de Drakkari, Hay muchos buenos pero no recuerdo mas
  7. Kí Drakkari

    How well do you know your Twinks!

    I want play :3 [
  8. Kí Drakkari

    EU+US F2P History

    Tenshin 1st f2p Lorewalkers, awwww Poor Sergo
  9. Kí Drakkari

    Who's the best 20 monk?

    Huiyang @ Drakkari - Community - World of Warcraft Burberry @ Arathor - Community - World of Warcraft Mingsu @ Quel'dorei - Community - World of Warcraft Songlan @ Dalaran - Community - World of Warcraft Meing @ Bronzebeard - Community - World of Warcraft :cool:
  10. Kí Drakkari

    Why do you hate Trialkiller?

    Porque eres un racista con las personas latinoamericanas, eres buen jugador pero un asco de persona, muchas veces he estado presente cuando nos insultas inclusive me has insultado, sino fueras tan odioso o presumido serias un buen jugador
  11. Kí Drakkari

    Screenshot Thread!

    First? Monk FP2 Conqueror :D Solo espero no me insulten por el idioma :T
  12. Kí Drakkari

    Screenshot Thread!

  13. Kí Drakkari

    EU+US F2P History

    Public client builds - WoWWiki - Your guide to the World of Warcraft and its universe - Wikia octuber 14 6.0, so we play whit QT 3 or 4 days before prepatch
  14. Kí Drakkari

    EU+US F2P History

    If 6.0 released on octuber 14, Mmm Friday 11 to Sunday 13
  15. Kí Drakkari

    EU+US F2P History

    Aww the Quick Talents weekend, the last days of mop all those FC Rogues
  16. Kí Drakkari

    Who is the best 20 shaman?

    Shamanpow @ Eldre'Thalas - Community - World of Warcraft Darkmor @ Uldum - Community - World of Warcraft They deserve to be included
  17. Kí Drakkari

    Screenshot Thread!

    Waiting for BG
  18. Kí Drakkari

    Screenshot Thread!

    Waiting for BG
  19. Kí Drakkari

    Level Twenty Battle Tag List

    OswRamsesHyA#1176 :p