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  1. Quackbesteu


    On a slightly more serious note, it is sad when anyone kills themselves. Whether you like them, hate them, they're a good person a bad person all of that aside, anyone who takes their own life or gets killed etc, is always sad. (There's no two ways about it, that's not me saying killing evil...
  2. Quackbesteu

    [EU] 19 Twink Hub

    join the disc and see everyone who plays eu classic 19s is welcome whether you're on the server or not. activity is great, a lot of transfers every week also.
  3. Quackbesteu

    [EU] 19 Twink Hub

    Shame we can never get everyone in one pic, always have half the people scattered and spread out to Cambodia. Insane activity Insane support Insane amount of transfers
  4. Quackbesteu

    [EU] Best of 19 Twinks

    robbi found a vpn then
  5. Quackbesteu

    [EU] 19 Twink Hub

    Insane to see how many people have transferred over for this the activity is booming the community is growing, crazy.
  6. Quackbesteu

    [EU] 19 Twink Hub

    Some people need to read this 50 times.
  7. Quackbesteu

    [EU] 19 Twink Hub

    Would love if you could sticky this one Bowner. Thanks.
  8. Quackbesteu

    [EU] 19 Twink Hub

    Amazing to see so much support behind this. Exactly what EU needs to revive its scene. Community is key.
  9. Quackbesteu

    [EU] 19 Twink Hub

    Let's go EU!
  10. Quackbesteu

    <Style and Skill> Shazzrah EU

    Nice to see at least some guilds don't want to dodge Guild v Guild wargames. Much respect, Lider!
  11. Quackbesteu

    Do you like the Classic lvl 19 bracket?

    No, I don't enjoy classic 19s. Classic 19s is all about who you play with and to some degree who you play against. I personally am not bothered who I play with being good or bad at the game. It's more so their attitude and personality and things like that. A lot of the time when I play pugs I...
  12. Quackbesteu

    George Floyd Protest

    Rest in Peace David Dorn.
  13. Quackbesteu

    Not an @ thread.

    It is indeed sad. Inshallah one day we can all queue pugs in peace without knowing huge guilds will use 100s of consumables only to lose to a level 10 mage in the end.
  14. Quackbesteu

    Not an @ thread.

    Overpopulated with people from 2006 and some casual dads who don't really care. Not as bothered about 'casual' random twinks consuming though ofc its a problem it's semi impossible to stop. It's whenever the arguably the biggest guild on EU doesn't condemn it, it clearly becomes a huge problem.
  15. Quackbesteu

    Not an @ thread.

    They have to recognize that they need to improve to have that mindset.
  16. Quackbesteu

    Not an @ thread.

    I show good sportsmanship to respectable players. Which I did do to the members on their team I'm friends with.
  17. Quackbesteu

    Not an @ thread.

    All because I called specific players 'demented dogs' for having huge egos and thinking they're still in 2006. Maybe if said guild premaded good guilds they'd improve instead of being offended by words. Let's be real, it's an excuse because they know they'd get whoooooooooooped. Sad.
  18. Quackbesteu

    Not an @ thread.

  19. Quackbesteu

    Not an @ thread.

    Well okay, critique it if you want, but that wasn't what the thread was about which is why I don't want you discussing it. It was about them dodging us 10v10. The rest is context.
  20. Quackbesteu

    Not an @ thread.

    Third time, please take it to DMs. Thanks. You don't know the history of this, so if you did you'd understand why what you're saying is wrong.