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  1. Snowjobs

    bisnation Podcast

    would love to but I gota get back into the action first. Havent been able to play in about 1.5 weeks so I might be a lil outdated on how things are going atm. a lot can change in that time hehe (20% FOF buff and other shenanigans)
  2. Snowjobs

    bisnation Podcast

    Twitch podcast makes me want to start up a 39s twitch of my own and run it on game nights for the times when I can que. Kindah run a theme of just queing with rarely seen specs and stuff . Partake in some jolly co-operation with some other dirty nines. Also would be fun to do a 39s podcast on...
  3. Snowjobs

    Official 39 Twink Cup Tournament Thread!!!

    Over all if you look at the activity of a bracket before and after a tournament of this scale is anounced it seems to me the activity is higher after . Can't wait to watch the tourney and see the benefits after :)
  4. Snowjobs

    39 WoD Recruitment Video

    Make a 39 :O bwl baddies reunite !
  5. Snowjobs

    Dirtynines, Developing the meta. A discussion on premade comps and strats.

    Ww can make so many plays I feel . just the almost instant movement with FSK into a FOF. you could really capitalize on ppl not staying spread out. Karma makes your assassination attempts more viable as you have a 50 % buffer somebody has to get through should you start hugging a healer. energy...
  6. Snowjobs

    Dirtynines, Developing the meta. A discussion on premade comps and strats.

    Not saying we should perma ban bm's let's just agree to try out games without the for next premades . 39s TC is a ways out and we should explore every opertunity for better play IMO
  7. Snowjobs

    Dirtynines, Developing the meta. A discussion on premade comps and strats.

    While ppl wouldn't be worying about trinketin slows and stuff I think the absence of BM would allow for more cc classes to come in and the decision is just as important now because your thinking ok if I trinket this conc shot or piercing howl . Which can have a lot more impact if there isn't...
  8. Snowjobs

    Dirtynines, Developing the meta. A discussion on premade comps and strats.

    Easy with the flames there . While I agree with many things your saying about bm's posting this does nothing to convince ppl of a point . Just makes them more defensive and less willing to consider other views. Let's try and keep shit constructive instead of everyone saying "bm's op and your...
  9. Snowjobs

    Dirtynines, Developing the meta. A discussion on premade comps and strats.

    I did edit my post because I acidentaly clicked post before I was done typing so your very last response missed some of my point . But i think banning bm's in premades would increase the skill caps of every other class . Suddenly hunters actualy need to think about what they conc shot . Other...
  10. Snowjobs

    Dirtynines, Developing the meta. A discussion on premade comps and strats.

    Neap darling target calling is not a class dependant characteristic. How well somebody uses roll to stay on a target or guard to mitigate incoming burst or tigers lust to get somebody else on target would be a class dependant skill but anyone can call out targets and that isn't an example of a...
  11. Snowjobs

    Dirtynines, Developing the meta. A discussion on premade comps and strats.

    I think wargames would be the prime place to try things such as "no bm monks" where it might just cause more drama in pugs. PPL in wargames tend to be much more wiling to conform in order to get the most fun out of the games
  12. Snowjobs

    Dirtynines, Developing the meta. A discussion on premade comps and strats.

    brew master is such a huge part of any team with slows I think It would completely change the meta and make things much more fast paced (movement wise) much more importance would be put on classes like fury warrior and frost mage to keep slows going. beaking off to flank or swoop around on...
  13. Snowjobs

    Dirtynines, Developing the meta. A discussion on premade comps and strats.

    current thoughts on BFG Comps heals x 3 + 1 hpally maybey (aoe blind + stun + nice shock burst+ bubble to prevent rogue ninjas) rogue frost mage lock with howl of terror hunter bm spriest ? I feel like you want to be able to counter rogue ninja on your 1st flag with as few people as...
  14. Snowjobs

    39 WoD Recruitment Video

    monthly / bi-monthly recap video compilation ? yes plox :)
  15. Snowjobs

    Dirtynines, Developing the meta. A discussion on premade comps and strats.

    just looking at the numbers at the end of both games. (in order of most damage) Never saw board on Tp game . I may check mvp's vod to if I can see it there. Game 1 Spriest Warrior Spriest Aflic Bm-(RID) Hunter Enh Balance Fire Bm-(jcm) Rogue Rogue Game 2 Spriest Spriest Bm-(RID) warrior aflic...
  16. Snowjobs

    Dirtynines, Developing the meta. A discussion on premade comps and strats.

    I can imagine it now :0 gileneas. playing frost Mage blazing speed and lust out the gate mount up and run up the path going between lh and mines then blazing slow fall into enemy team rooting and novaing everyone while we snag the base :0
  17. Snowjobs

    Dirtynines, Developing the meta. A discussion on premade comps and strats.

    Your right . I was completely focused on wsg atm . My mind is popping from trying to figure out the best gilneas strat and comp:0
  18. Snowjobs

    Dirtynines, Developing the meta. A discussion on premade comps and strats.

    Hypothetical limiting of 2 mele you take rogue bm warrior or enh ? Mm hunt Choice of 2 casters . I like that a lot better than BM mm rog enh warrior 1 caster 2 casters makes think we could see things like a lock and Mage chaining fears and polys off each other and juking heals with...
  19. Snowjobs

    Dirtynines, Developing the meta. A discussion on premade comps and strats.

    I smell a lil bias in your points because if mele is limited and then somebody takes a double rsham then that means neap doesn't get to heal :0 I could see a honestly I could see a 4 heal Comp being very beneficial at this lvl though an I think some sort of limit to mele would be very cool :0
  20. Snowjobs

    Random Premade v JCM WG Bo5 - Druid 39 FC PoV

    Ah I wasn't aware of it only being yourself (kindah sucks then) I gues it would be best to go with double cleanse or the no interrupt then . Imp Fade is probably better over all though due to the Ua's and Spriest dots.