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  1. Snowjobs

    [Serious] Legion class changes and further discussion

    Botanist's Chain Pants - Item - World of Warcraft new gear with vers and stuff that looks like it may be replacing our currently available gear. take a look and lets figure out what will become bf'd :P
  2. Snowjobs

    [Serious] Legion class changes and further discussion

    i think a better format for this would be to only state the abilities each class has come legion to make it easier to digest.
  3. Snowjobs

    [Serious] Legion class changes and further discussion

    alright lets use our little thinkers here friends. Conveniently there seems to be about 3 spells at lvl 15 for most classes/specs . What else do we have at lvl 15 right now ? TALENTS soooooooooooo it would seem frost mage chooses betwen I hate my pet spec You go slow i go slow spec channeled...
  4. Snowjobs

    Wednesday 11/11 8pm east Que WSG/TP

    will probably jump in at some point on my prot pally
  5. Snowjobs

    39's active?

    there is definitely lots of fun to be had by all in the merry land of 39s <3
  6. Snowjobs

    Screenshot Thread!

  7. Snowjobs

    Picnic Thread!

    Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet Album from DALL tower picnic :)
  8. Snowjobs

    Que SSM/TP tonight Nov 4th 8pm east!!

    I'm not sure Aliance lacks numbers as they had full teams all night long while horde lacked some numbers at the end . I kindah blame the rando 5k hp shaman in all greens and the lvl 37 shaman with no enchants that ques on ally but eh who knows in sure Saturday will be better
  9. Snowjobs

    Que SSM/TP tonight Nov 4th 8pm east!!

    Would love to see a little more class diversity from horde side in games . Last night ended kindah prematurely IMO .
  10. Snowjobs

    Making a 20 Vet guild for Premades!!!

    Notice me living senpie !!!!
  11. Snowjobs

    Que SSM/TP tonight Nov 4th 8pm east!!

    Bump for hype . Might try playing my cc prot pally if it's ready or my rdruid .
  12. Snowjobs

    Saturday 10/31 Halloween, Que WSG/TP 8east

    just stick some Benadryl in with your kids skittles and they will be asleep by 7pm
  13. Snowjobs

    Ban, BM, Mod. The new forum game!

    tbh i was going to put it after nazgrel then i was like well i don't want to put misha to far behind bwl even though it wasn't in any particular order and then i just forgot to put it back in. So if it makes you feel better i totally thought about you guys i just was a klutz and misplaced you.
  14. Snowjobs

    Ban, BM, Mod. The new forum game!

    It's crazy to think how much a bracket can change in a year . . . Pepridge farms remembers bwl/nazgrel/misha/mg/aeriepoop/vashj and the good ole days of gnomeball , kochi events, and realm rivalries.
  15. Snowjobs

    Ban, BM, Mod. The new forum game!

    I just listed 3 people. I never stated who i wanted in each role .
  16. Snowjobs

    Ban, BM, Mod. The new forum game!

    Just like the classic Kill Bang Mary but now forum style ! Feel free to make your own or answer somebody else's :) of the three three people listed pick who you would assign each position. neon alybeboba inubupro GO ! idea stolen from somebody else
  17. Snowjobs

    Balance Druid build Thoughts?

    It seems that you can get more ap from other armor as a rdruid . Fang set is still decent as you can keep up a lot of Stam but there are better options for absolute max ap . Currently I'm curious how Warden's Footpads - Item - World of Warcraft scales as it looks real nice for a bite set
  18. Snowjobs

    Balance Druid build Thoughts?

    glad that worked out for you . its a shame the set bonuses don't scale. With that being the case i would limit use of that set to a large bite set and not a versatile mid/ utility set. Something to consider as well is the value of crit over haste with feral play as a resto or boomy. Crits give...
  19. Snowjobs

    Balance Druid build Thoughts?

    working on my rdruid and i really need to see if the fang set bonus from WC scales . if it does it may be BIS for output as a boomy/rdruid
  20. Snowjobs

    39s going forward

    i was actually sharing boots opinion on the rules. As long as any proposed rule changes are left up to a on site poll i fully support this change. Drunk and vulgar definitely has the numbers to lead a lot of events and I'm glad to se we have somebody set for moving forward.